A feeder, for birds and squirrels, in the form of a 1:50 breadboard model of the house, was made by a self-made craftswoman from Sweden. We consider in detail the manufacturing process of the feeder.

Materials and tools:
- Plywood 4 * 1200 * 900 mm;
-Wood sticks wide - 300 pcs.;
-Wooden sticks narrow 100 pcs;
-Solar panel + LEDs;
-A circular saw;
-Insulating tape;
-Metal grid;
- Scrap;
- Vibrating cutter;

Step One: Project
Any home begins with a project. So our master first made a sketch on paper, and then transferred it to plywood. At the bottom, in the corners of the house, beams protrude. Thus, when installing a house, a gap remains between the lower edge of the walls and the base. Inside the house, food is poured and part is poured into the gap.
You can download the sketch here:
View online file:

Step Two: Parts Manufacturing
Circular cuts out the details of the house. Windows and doors are cut with a vibrating cutter. Sandpaper polishes the parts.

Step Three: Build a House
Glues the walls of the house. Glues the roof. The roof does not stick to the walls.

Step Four: Foundation
For the base makes a frame. In the center, screw a sheet cut from OSB. The sheet size is 10 cm larger than the bottom of the house, in each direction. The internal space of the frame is covered with a metal mesh.

Step Five: Primer
The surface is primed.

Step Six: Siding
Sheathes (on glue) the house with wooden sticks. Paints the walls.

Step seven: the fence
It sticks sections of the fence from sticks. For durability fastens a shtaketnik with brackets. Paints the fence and fixes around the perimeter of the base.

Chopsticks covers the edge of the grid. At the corners of the fence fastens the trims for strength.

Step Eight: The Roof
From ruberoid cuts pieces 30 * 40 mm. Starting from the bottom glues pieces to the roof. The upper part is fixed with brackets. The bottom layer, then higher and so on to the very top. A horse is carved from roofing material. Sticks it. Glues the end plate.

Step Nine: Windows
Acrylic is inserted into the window openings.

Step Ten: Mailbox
Makes, paints and fixes a mailbox on the fence.

Step Eleven: Lighting
For lighting in the store, a solar panel with LEDs was purchased. For fastening a bar was made. There is a hole in the bar. The bar is mounted on the roof. A panel mount is inserted into the hole. I fixed the LEDs inside the house. Part of the LEDs installed in the holes under the roof visor.

Step Twelve: Installing the Feeder
Clogs a wooden post into the ground. In the upper part of the column secures the stops. Sets the feeder. Screws to the post with screws.

The house feeder is ready. It remains to fill in the feed and wait for the guests.