The wildlife of your garden can be complemented by interesting and original craftsthat will be a great addition infield landscaping. Beautiful flowerpots, bird feeders, decorative statues - and all this can be done do it yourself from seemingly unnecessary things. Old tires, empty plastic bottles, old barrels, etc. will suit you.
Do it yourself!
To make a flowerpot for flowers, it is not necessary to have pottery skills. You just need to take, say, an old iron barrel or a galvanized bucket. Using facade paint, paint the container bright and original. You can draw a funny face or a floral pattern, in short, how much your imagination will allow you to “turn around”.

An excellent service can serve the usual old rubber tires. To the delight of children, you can make a small dinosaur or a crocodile out of them by burying the tires half in the ground and painting them with the appropriate facade paint.
To decorate a pond on the territory of a personal plot, you can make swans and ducks from the tires. For the manufacture of a swan, you need a tire, white, red and black paint. From the middle of the tire, carefully cut the neck and head and bend it out. Cut the sides in the form of wings and also bend. Then open the swan twice with white paint. Then, with the help of black and red paint, outline the lines of the beak, eyes and wings. Eyes can be made from ordinary buttons.
Bird feeders
To attract feathered friends to your site, you can make several DIY bird feeders. The easiest option is to use an empty plastic bottle or milk carton. Cut special holes in them and hang them with a rope or wire on tree branches.
It looks very original feeder from a porcelain cup and spoon. To make it, you need glue, a teaspoon, a cup and a saucer. Using glue, glue the saucer and cup, then glue the spoon to the side of the saucer.You can install such a feeder on the windowsill or in the garden on a pedestal made of wood or metal. Pour water into a cup, and pour food in a saucer. The feeder is ready!
Sculptures for the garden

Of course, the hardest thing to make garden sculptures. To create such DIY crafts for the garden, you need to try hard and show imagination. You can show the art of pottery and fashion original figures in the form of fairy-tale characters, or cast them from concrete. Sculptures made of wood and metal look original.
Various figures of birds and cartoon characters can be cut out of wood. To do this, make a model on paper and use a saw to cut a figure out of wood. To give it a finished look, you should paint it with facade paint and open it with a protective layer of varnish so that the tree does not collapse over time.
Any hand-made crafts in the garden will delight the eye and cheer you up. Show your imagination and your garden will be the most original and beautiful.
Different people and different tastes, for example, for lovers of technology and robots: Photos from the sculpture exhibition