The hare is the most classic and most common hunter prey. In addition to hares, there are also such animals as wild rabbits. Sometimes hares and rabbits bother so much that they declare war. They can destroy the crop in the garden, how to deal with this beast? There are many ways to catch a hare, but what if the hare is needed alive? For these purposes, the author came up with such a simple trap that does no harm to the animal. When you catch a hare, you can put it in a cage, or you can just inspect and release it.
The trap is somewhat reminiscent of a mousetrap, only it is designed for a larger rodent. The device is made in the form of a box with a door, which automatically closes under its own weight if production enters the trap. The door is held by a rope through a special PVC pipe, on the other end of which a latch is fixed. Inside the box at the very end there is a bait, a hare climbs to it, touches the latch and the door closes. Prankster caught!
Materials and tools for the manufacture of traps:
Material List:
- plywood, boards (or other similar material (note that the hare has strong teeth);
- rope;
- a piece of PVC pipe or other similar material;
- self-tapping screws;
- a bowl with a bait.
Tool List:
- hacksaw for wood;
- ;
- green paint (so that the hare is not afraid of a trap);
- a knife.
Trap manufacturing process:
Step one. Trap scheme and sketches
In order not to improvise while assembling the trap, draw a pencil with its dimensions and estimate how many materials will be needed. Make a larger trap so that the animal is not afraid to climb into it.

Step Two We make blanks
Cut the desired number of blanks, in accordance with the plan that you made. You will need three long boards to create a box. Drill a large diameter hole in the top board so that the latch can be installed.
In principle, in all boards, you can drill more holes so that the beast is not afraid to climb into the box. But do not make the openings too large, as the hare will instantly gnaw the tear and run away. The author approached the manufacture of the trap very responsibly, so the details were carefully sanded and adjusted to each other.

Cut the stitch with a notch at one end. It is needed to hold the PVC pipe, thanks to which the trap is cocked.
In the bottom plate of the trap, at the beginning of the trap, make a groove so that a closed door can enter it.At the top, a small block is screwed on to hold the door. Also cut out the door itself. It is important that the door is well polished, otherwise it may jam at the most inopportune moment.
Step Three Rope and PVC pipe
Take the PVC pipe and cut it to such a length so that one end is opposite the hole with the lock, and the other opposite the door. Drill holes at the ends of the pipe so that you can tie the rope.
You will need two pieces of rope, one piece in length should be enough to tie to the door, and the second to the trigger.
Step Four Gathering a trap
Self-tapping screws can be used to assemble the trap, we take and collect the box. Then install a wooden bracket that will hold the PVC pipe. You will also need to make a tree hook that will keep the door open until the hook catches the hare.
This hook should have such a profile that the hare, when he gets into the box and begins to move to the bait, he must hook the hook. Tie a rope to the hook and the other end to the PVC pipe. Tie a rope to the other end of the PVC pipe and fasten the door to it.

That's all, the trap is almost ready, you can test it.
Step Five Finishing touches
Do not forget that wood quickly deteriorates if it is not protected from moisture. Paint is suitable, especially green, yellow or white, it all depends on what time of year you will catch the hare. For example, a green box will be perfectly camouflaged in bushes and grass. A white box will not be visible in the snow.

Always remember that the hare has an excellent scent, so the paint should not have a pungent smell. In this case, it will scare away the beast. As an ecological option, the tree can be soaked with mineral oil, this will also protect it perfectly, and the hare will not scare away.
That's all, the trap is ready, go to the forest and set it in a secluded place. At the very end of the box, set the bait, hares are very fond of corn, carrots, apples and other products. It is especially good to set such traps in winter, as you can see the paths along which the hare jumps. He loves to live in swamps with tall grass, in forests, especially near fields, since there is a lot of food, and also often trades in meadows.