In the manufacture of the smokehouse, the Master was guided by the following parameters:
-Ability to hot smoked and grilled.
-Large capacity.
-Heat efficiency.
-Work on wood.
-Multiple levels of gratings.
-Ability to add fuel during operation.
What would you have a desire to do something like this, watch a video.
So, let's begin.
Tools and materials:
-A metal sheet;
-Welding machine;
-Cart wheels;
-Galvanized chimney;
-Welded clamp;
-Magnetic squares;
- Expanded metal;
-Tube with thread;
- Heat-resistant paint;
- brush;
- Roller;
-Metal corner;
- Loops;
- Clay filler (feline);
Step One: Frame
Welds a frame from a profile pipe. At the bottom of the frame sets the cart wheels. In the upper part of the profile makes through cuts. Through the cuts, the space between the walls will be filled with filler.

Step Two: Inner Sheathing
From sheet metal cuts the inner walls. Welds. A corner is welded at the top. An inner lid is welded to the corner.
Step Three: Doors
At the smokehouse the master made two doors. One door closes the firebox, the second the smokehouse itself. First, the master made two frames from a profile pipe. Sheathed them with metal. In the lower furnace door made an air intake. The air intake has the ability to control the air supply to the furnace.
The doors are hinged. For proper installation of the doors, a felt seal was temporarily pasted around the perimeter. After installing the doors, made and installed the locking mechanism. The locking mechanism also plays the role of a handle.
Step Four: Chimney
At the top of the smokehouse, the master carved a round hole. Around the hole welded a metal strip. Then a chimney is put on top.
Step Five: Exterior Walls
Cut and weld the outer walls of the smokehouse. For reinforcement welds a corner.To install the skewer, a threaded tube is welded into the side walls. The tubes are closed with plugs. If necessary, the plugs are removed and a skewer is inserted into the hole.
Step Six: Lattices
Inside the smokehouse, at different heights, welded corners. From the expanded metal sheet I cut out the shelves. At the bottom of the furnace, I welded two corners with the angle up. From the same sheet I cut out and bent a coal basket.
Seventh step: top cover and filler
The master made the top cover removable. Cut to size sheet. Cut a hole under the chimney. I drilled holes and cut the threads at the attachment points. Before installing the cover, filler falls into the holes between the walls.
Step Eight: Folding Table
The folding table is made of a wooden board covered with stain and varnish. The board is attached to the body with hinges. The bottom of the board fixed thrust rail. The emphasis is made of fittings.
Step Nine: Sanding and Painting
As you probably already noticed, the master covers all parts of the smokehouse with heat-resistant paint. At the end, the master cleans the surface and seams and paints the smokehouse from the outside.
Step Ten: Thermometer
After painting, a thermometer is installed in the door. According to the author, it is better to install several thermometers at different levels.
The grill smokehouse is ready. According to the master, he is pleased with the result. The cabinet holds the temperature well, and the products, and smoked meats, and grill, are obtained of excellent quality.
Below you can watch the author’s video.