First, let's see what a drift trike is. Drift Trike is a type of technique that is used for drifting and is an enlarged three-wheeled bikewhose front wheel is almost three times larger than the rear. Drift (Eng. Drift) - the technique of cornering using controlled drift at the maximum possible to keep on the track speed and angle to the trajectory.
There are three types of drift trike: classic trikes without an engine downhill, motor-with an engine from 6.5 to 15 l / s and a speed of up to 65 km / h, electric-with a motor-wheel in front.
The master decided to make himself a motor drift trike.
Tools and materials:
-Pipe profile;
Engine Honda Predator 212;
-Centrifugal clutch;
-Chain with an asterisk (12 teeth);
Sprocket (60 teeth)
- Shaft with a longitudinal groove;
-Adapter for sprocket;
-Bearing with pillow;
-Welding machine;
- Keys are metalwork;
- Airbrush;
Step One: Bike
Parses a bike. Removes wheels, seat, pedals. Cuts off part of the frame.

Step Two: Frame
Makes the frame.
Welds a frame from a square pipe. Connects two parts of a trike.
Drills holes for mounting the engine and bearing pads.
Step Three: Running and Painting
Welds the steps to the frame. Paints a trike frame.
Step Four: Engine
Sets the engine, shaft, sprocket.
Step Five: Wheels and Seat
Sets the wheels.
Sets the seat.
Step Six: Controls
Installs the throttle stick and throttle cable.
Seventh step: chain
Sets the chain
Drift trike is ready.