The shape of a snowflake is never repeated because ice is formed from small crystals. The crystals are sensitive to minor changes in temperature and humidity, and the large number of water molecules forming it gives countless combinations of the location of ice patterns in space.
In winter, when precipitation occurs, water droplets fly and form into snowflakes along different paths.
Also, frost patterns on the glass of the window have a pattern of ice crystals. But why only flowers ..
Located on the glass, sharp crystals smoothly round into a pattern according to the "conditions" of symmetry and crystallization on the window.
I noticed frost patterns on glass, you can create purposefully, for this you need to dose moist air on supercooled glass.
In this case, local freezing is formed, controlling, for example, a jet, the temperature of water vapor, you can become a cool artist ... not without the help of a frost artist ...