Today it's time for parts of my trash to gain a second life. The chance turned out to be several beautiful cans of products to become hanging pots. These cans, unlike the others, have a wide throat and clear glass. I washed all the stickers and labels in advance, a long time ago, when I gave banks time to think in silence about the many options for their future life.

My colleague Leticia gave the idea of how to attach my plants, long ago languishing on the window. All flowers are similar in appearance, although they come from different botanical families, each of them has a waxy coating on delicate, thick leaves. When watering, water drops in droplets on their wax leaves, strikingly making them similar to crystals.
It was these martyrs who moved from plastic containers to new houses - glass pots. This was not enough for me, the idea came up to lift them into the air, filling, thus, an empty space near the ceiling, on a decorative beam.
I had to think carefully about how to make the pendants. The most difficult task, it turned out, was to find a way how to fix the ropes on the banks so that they would not crawl along it. At first I tried to knit knots, but nothing good came of it, the slippery surface of the glass defeated all my efforts. In the end, I settled on the idea of using plastic clamps with clamps at the ends and a white twisted rope.
Making such wonderful hanging flowerpots is very simple.

Take the rope, cut it into suitable pieces of the required length. One of the pieces will be longer, it will need to be suspended from one end to the beam, and the second piece, which is shorter by the length of the suspension, is attached to the structure.
Next, pieces of rope are threaded from the bottom of the can and evenly tied a short distance above it into a beautiful decorative knot (there are a great variety of options for knitting decorative knots on the Internet).
To prevent the rope from sliding over the bank, we use plastic clips. One clamp fits into another, extends to the required length, then wrap it around a can in the region of shoulders or ledges, tighten the ropes from above. Thus, the ropes are firmly pressed and fixed on the surface of the glass. The ends of the clamps sticking out in all directions are carefully cut off.
If one fastener is not enough for you, make one row below or next, depending on the type of your can.
A homemade flower pot was assembled, and I hung it on a beam on the most ordinary nails.
I chose plants specifically with thick wax leaves, such plants are ideal for living in suspended structures, because they do not need to be watered often, they can rot from this. Speaking of soil. I mixed the land for plants with sand, experts say that they are such a mixture is best suited for plants of this species.
Of course, to buy a beautiful ready-made pot or planter is much easier and simpler. But it will not be exclusive. I love handmade things, I spend almost nothing on making things using what I already have. But I put my soul, imagination and work - this is the most important thing!