The idea was born to make a corrugated cardboard chair by A.Kymants, who used the most common packaging material for this, connected in the usual way for him, added several wooden parts to the design and turned out an author's furniture detail. How practical is the chair - judge for yourself. I think if you cover him with a blanket, do not jump on it and do not offer to sit fat guests, his life will be long enough.
The advantage of the chair is ease of repair. Any part that fails is easily replaced with a new one. You only need to carve out a new one and put it in place of the spoiled, going to the dump.
Another advantage of a homemade chair is its light weight, paper is light and obviously weighs less than wood. In addition, it is environmentally friendly, consists entirely of wood and its derivatives. The chair is convenient in leaving - it is not necessary to vacuum it, to wipe it. It is enough to shake the plaid, and the crumbs that remained after your snacks in front of the TV will simply fall to the floor through the trellised surface.

Let's move on to making the masterpiece from paper. Prepare an iron ruler, scissors, pencil and knife on paper in advance. These tools will be quite enough for you to work.
The author took as a basis the remains of an old chair, namely a square frame with a grill and legs. After that, the legs were processed with sandpaper and polished to a tree until they took the form of a pristine tree.
The principle of manufacturing a chair is based on an idea that you probably remember. An ordinary Soviet box with bottles, in which stands a lattice made of cardboard. Capacities were inserted into the lattice cells. The grooves in a checkerboard pattern were cut in two pieces of square cardboard, after which they were inserted into each other like two combs, resulting in a lattice with holes.
Everything is the same here. The author first took a certain amount of thick cardboard, then cut the grooves in it in a mirror order, connected them and got a lattice in the form of a cube.
To obtain the necessary shape of a home-made chair, he, using ordinary and semicircular scissors, removed everything unnecessary from cardboard. So it turned out the workpiece. The edges and sections, of course, did not come out smooth, noticeable flaws, in some places marriage. Which is permissible, because this is only a template.
In the lower part of the chair template, grooves were cut out under the wooden frame of the base and the holes for the legs.
Then the workpiece was disassembled into elements and its contours were transferred to new sheets of cardboard, fitting in the right places for smooth and smooth lines.
Further, according to the resulting patterns, the author made plates with grooves.
The final stage was the assembly of the chair, a fascinating designer turned into furniture.
Now the appearance of the cardboard chair was almost perfect, without defects and damage, all lines are smooth and smooth.

That is the whole science of production. As a result - a lot of templates and a finished chair. Now you can engage in the manufacture of furniture sets on a large scale, because it is very cheap - material for production can be found for free, it practically lies under your feet.