About how it works can be read in the book of Dr. H. Clark - There are no incurable diseases. Its essence boils down to the fact that - a weak small current of a certain frequency negatively affects pathogens in the body. All parasites and diseased tissues have a positive charge and Zapper, a source of negative ions and acting on them, helps to heal diseased tissues.
Since there was a lot of free time and details in abundance, after reading various reviews, I decided to do it, it took a little more than an hour. Clark's book provides a Zapper circuit that generates a frequency of 30 kHz. I took it as a basis. It is simple and parts can be easily reached.
Here is a diagram.

Materials I needed:
1. Aluminum sheet;
2. Battery Crohn;
3. Off button;
4. Microcircuit NE555;
5. R1 - 1kom
6. R2 - 3.9kom
7. R3 - 1kom
8. R4 - 3.9kom
9. R5 - z9kom
10. C1 - 0.01
11. C2 - 0.0047
12. LED;
13. Battery terminal;
14. Soldering iron;
15. 4 bonks on the M3, and 4 screws;
16. A wire from charging;
17. 2 brass plates.
While one employee was drawing a board, I assembled the parts, then measured out the dimensions and gave it to a locksmith to make me a box. Etched board, soldered and assembled everything together.
The device started working immediately, checked the frequency, it was practically the same as stated in the book. Brass plates soldered to the wires (houses made of fabric sewn covers for them).
It should be used as follows: 3 courses of 7 minutes, with breaks of 20 minutes. According to the description, it acts in different ways.
There is one more device “Zappikator” - it makes it possible to work at two different frequencies. Using the switch, you can select the desired frequency for you. You get two devices. Just chain added extra capacity. Also on the Internet there is a circuit with a timer in which a cycle is repeated - 7 minutes work, 20 breaks.
I don’t know how he treats AIDS, I shot more than once on my wife’s pain syndrome (on certain days). It also helps with colds.Do not use during pregnancy and if there is a pacemaker.