Today furniture of chipboard is still quite popular, although it has more practical substitutes, it is inexpensive and this attracts buyers. Chipboard harm to health was recognized by the World Health Organization back in 1985. Manufacturers and sellers of particle boards have the opposite opinion: they insist that this decision was politicized and has no evidence base.
Chipboard - wood chipboard. Chipboard - a similar plate, only laminated.
Like MDF, particleboard is dangerous for potential formaldehyde emissions. This substance is officially recognized as a carcinogen. Studies have shown that exceeding the rate of formaldehyde in the environment can cause cancer. Fibreboard material has the same problem.

The fact is that the composition of the chipboard is shavings and glued with resin, which releases a dangerous carcinogen. They are constantly trying to improve the environmental friendliness of the chipboard by prohibiting dangerous types of gluing resins. Especially dangerous are uncertified slabs that are made in semi-legal workshops. Of low-quality products, formaldehyde can be released up to 10 years.
In order to protect the consumer from negative effects on the body, manufacturers cover plates:
KDSP (Kashirovanny): a method of paperless coating, varnish (melamine) is applied.
Chipboard (Laminated): a method of applying plastic to wood.
The coating really makes sense if it does not have the slightest damage. If you see mechanical damage on laminated furniture, you must immediately repair them. Particularly relevant is the problem for the furniture of children's rooms.
Experts note a sharp deterioration in the health status of people with asthma. Formaldehyde, which is part of chipboard, causes irreparable harm to the respiratory system (nose, nasopharynx, larynx). a negative effect on the skin and nervous system of a person was noted.
Table of the harmful effects of formaldehyde included in the particleboard:
Lesion Formaldehyde Concentration, ppm
No effect until 0.05
Neurophysiological effect 0.05-1.5
Threshold of smell 0.05-1.0
Headache, eyes begin to tear 0.01-2.0
Nausea, respiratory irritation 0.1-25
Nausea, vomiting, irritation of the lower respiratory organs 5-30
Pulmonary edema 50-100
Death Over 100
In order to protect the consumer from negative effects on the body, manufacturers cover plates:
KDSP (Kashirovanny): a method of paperless coating, varnish (melamine) is applied.
Chipboard (Laminated): a method of applying plastic to wood.
The coating really makes sense if it does not have the slightest damage. If you see mechanical damage on laminated furniture, you must immediately repair them. Particularly relevant is the problem for the furniture of children's rooms.
Experts note a sharp deterioration in the health status of people with asthma. Formaldehyde, which is part of chipboard, causes irreparable harm to the respiratory system (nose, nasopharynx, larynx). a negative effect on the skin and nervous system of a person was noted.
Table of the harmful effects of formaldehyde included in the particleboard:
Lesion Formaldehyde Concentration, ppm
No effect until 0.05
Neurophysiological effect 0.05-1.5
Threshold of smell 0.05-1.0
Headache, eyes begin to tear 0.01-2.0
Nausea, respiratory irritation 0.1-25
Nausea, vomiting, irritation of the lower respiratory organs 5-30
Pulmonary edema 50-100
Death Over 100
How to protect yourself from harm
The harmful properties of particleboard can be reduced by covering all mechanical damage with resistant material. If the furniture is not sufficiently protected - you will definitely feel the characteristic smell of formaldehyde. One should be wary even if the smell is pleasant to the scent.
When buying, ask the seller for a product certificate. Be sure to pay attention to the class, choose only a product with class E-1, in it the permissible value of formaldehyde vapor is the smallest.
After a week of using such furniture at home, you can no longer smell. However, if after this time a sharp smell is felt, you should immediately contact the seller and, if possible, return the purchased goods.
Pros of using
We doubt that any advantages that we describe are able to make a person still risk health. However, among the advantages distinguish such features:

Moisture resistance.
Low price.
Ease of handling and use.
We strongly do not recommend buying furniture from chipboard. In our opinion, products from this material can only be used outdoors.
We try to defend ourselves
According to experts, formaldehyde can be released for up to 14 years. The most active discharge occurs in the first 2 years. We strongly advise against placing furniture close to heaters. Particleboard furniture is harmful to health even without heating, and with an increased temperature of its environment, harm can increase significantly.
Despite the fact that according to GOST up to 10 mg of formaldehyde per 100 grams of dry weight of the material is allowed, choose plates of class E1. In this class of products, up to 8 mg of a carcinogen is allowed. Carefully check the corners of your furniture for damage, if found, seal them with insulating materials.
If you see E2 type markings on furniture, immediately remove it from your apartment. Such marking means that furniture cannot be used in residential premises. The manufacture of such items is against the law.
If you have already decided to buy furniture using chipboard technology, only cooperate with large companies. Usually, quality certified products are hard to find in small provincial storehouses. If the financial situation allows you - you should not save on health, natural furniture is much safer.