Hello the inhabitants of our site! Very soon to the cottage! And surely every year arriving at the cottage after the winter, we have to tint something, for example: a fence, a veranda, a gate, a frame of a greenhouse, and so on. So surely everyone knows that painting with a brush is not comme il faut. Many people immediately think of spray cans of paint, which is not bad in principle, but many manufacturers do not add paint, and it’s just not a cheap process. I'm not talking about spray guns with an expensive compressor.
In this article I will try to describe and show as much as possible how to make a home-made aerosol spray can that can be used from cycling a pump or an automobile compressor, which every summer resident probably has.
Due to the fact that it can be used from an automobile compressor for pumping tires, it can be called an impromptu spray gun.
To make an aerosol can, you will need:
1- Plastic bottle (any size, as you wish).
2- Nipple (you can take it from an old bicycle chamber or buy a nipple for tubeless tires in the car shop).
3- Stationery knife.
4- Drill.
5- Drills.
6- Old paint spray can.
7- Terma glue (it is better to use epoxy resin).
8- Solvent.
9- Pump.
10- Hacksaw for metal.
Production of aerosol spray can.
1- First, you should decide on the choice of a plastic bottle. The larger the bottle, the more paint can be placed in it and the air can be pumped longer. It is better to take a half-liter bottle, as it can withstand a lot of pressure compared to one-and-a-half and three-liter bottles. Also, using a small bottle, we will achieve homemade compactness, and a compressor for pumping car tires will definitely have time to pump air.

2- Immediately after we have decided on the choice of a bottle for an aerosol can, we proceed to assembly. To begin with, use a drill to make a hole in the upper part of the bottle. The diameter of the hole should be equal to the diameter of the nipple.

3- After making a hole in the top of the bottle, the burrs should be cut. To cut the burrs, you should use a clerical knife, this should be done very carefully, since this is a very important place.

4- Something like this should look like a perfectly made hole for attaching a nipple.

5- Then you need a nipple. The nipple can be cut from an old car or bicycle camera. But of course it is better and more convenient to use a nipple for tubeless tires. Such a nipple can be found in the nearest tire fitting or in an auto parts store.

6- After the nipple is found, it should be installed. In order to install the nipple inside the bottle, wrap a piece of wire on the metal part of the nipple (see image below).

7- Then, insert the other end of the length of wire into the neck of the bottle and stick it out through a newly made hole (see photo below).

8- Something like this should turn out for you (see photo below).

9- For the next step, you will need an old spray can of paint.

10- Using a hacksaw for metal, cut out the upper part of the spray can.

11- It should turn out something like this (see photo below).

12- For the next step, take the cap from the plastic bottle. In the center of the lid from a plastic bottle, we drill a hole with a diameter equal to the diameter of the plastic tube from the workpiece, which we made from an old aerosol can.

13- After you have made a hole in the lid of the plastic bottle, we insert a plastic tube into the hole.

14- Glue the term blanks with glue. But it is better to do this with epoxy so that the structure can withstand more pressure.

15- Ready!
Tests and conclusions:
Well, now we take a suitable paint and fill it in a bottle and paint!
This homemade product can be called a spray gun, since it can be used from an automobile compressor for pumping tires.

Well, that’s all, thank you all for your attention. I hope this article was useful for you and you will definitely make yourself the same low-pressure spray gun.