"Please help me figure it out. I want to use this system when connecting a 12v electric motor and I can’t understand how I need to connect so that the electric motor rotates in one or the other direction when controlled from a remote control. Thank you so much."
Good task! It is with the help of the new MP426 module (analog - MP426 SE) that we will solve it.

This module has a unique “Channel Search” operating mode, which is absent in other similar remote control modules.
So, the condition: large buttons on the remote control turn on the engine with rotation in either one or the other direction; a small remote control button turns off the engine.

You can do this:
- Set the jumper for selecting the operating modes to the position: “Channel search” (jumper on the right, see Fig. 2.)

- For relays 1 and 2 - the upper group of contacts in fig. from the instructions (correspond to two large buttons on the remote):
- Connect the normally closed relay contacts (designation on the board “a”) between each other and with the “minus” of the power source;
- We normally connect the normally open relay contacts (designation on the board “b”) with each other and with the “plus” of the power supply:
- Connect the motor wires to the central contacts of the relay (marked with "c")
- We connect the module power terminals to the plus and minus of the same 12V power supply. Strictly observe the polarity!
- We check the installation for errors.
- Turn on the power.
Check the work:
- Big button 1 turns on the engine, the second big button 2 turns on in the opposite direction.
- Small buttons 3 or 4 turn off the rotation.
We recommend that you first turn off the engine with the small button, let the engine stop and only then turn on the motor in a different direction of rotation. This will extend the life of the motor and electronics.