In this article, Andrei Yarmolkevich welcomes you in his small workshop on the balcony and on the channel “Trudy Masters”.
Andrei will show how to make such a thing, which in Russian is called the "rack inclinometer".
In any case, such a name met the author in the catalog. And in English it device called "winding sticks". Andrey for a long time used various improvised devices as a rack inclinometer.
But now, he had two Merbau slats left, and he decided to put them into the manufacture of a more or less decent rack slope meter. This thing is needed in order to check the evenness of the plane.
How to use it, the author will show after manufacturing.
Starts with the manufacture of dowels. Andrei didn’t see dowels from the merbau at all, as well as from ash.
For the manufacture of such dowels from non-ferrous wood species, he acquired just such a plate. From Lie-Nielsen.
These are the dowels of the six he got.
I marked the centers for the three holes using masking tape so that the marks were better visible.
One hole will be a little closer to the bottom, exactly in the middle. Two holes at the edges.
Here they are located in the middle and somewhere in four centimeters from the edge. The total length of these rails is 41 centimeters.
Andrew drilled holes.
He has marks, which river goes to which, you can safely remove tape.
Also made just such a markup, it will make small indentations with the help of a dremel.
In the upper corners of one of the rails, it is necessary to embed such inserts from ash scraps.
Removes excess wood with a chisel.
So it turns out, everything is right here.
You can start gluing. I glued these corners, holding a clamp in this place.
The author also pasted a dowel from ash.
The dowels can be sharpened using a conventional pencil sharpener.
An ash dowel in the middle was also pasted into the second rail.
And on the edges I glued such slightly more pointed dowels so that these pointed parts looked into the inner part.
After waiting for the glue to dry and continue. While comparing the surface dowels.
Now you can file extra corners and smooth the surface.
That's how these slats are stacked together.
These pins with holes are needed so that the rails do not then lead. In this position, it is less likely.
With the help of these recesses, they are easier to separate.
The final fit will already be done after processing. To normal planks are disconnected. It enters here normally, but in order to unclench, one must certainly make an effort.
It removes small chamfers from the outside.

I fitted the pins so that this whole thing is revealed quite easily.
Everything can be minimally ennobled, the sharp edges are somehow rounded and covered with oil.
Capping is oil pan for countertops.
After waiting about five minutes, it removes excess oil, then leaves the whole structure overnight.
Then it will cover with a second layer, it will dry again. Will show the finished result.
With the finish is finished, the oil has dried, these slats are easily separated.
It's time to explain how this whole device works.
Take some blank, and check it on the "propeller".
Sets one rack so that the center mark matches approximately the middle of the workpiece.
The second one like that, and begins to look at these corners. He looks at the white corners, and slowly lowers the corner of his gaze.
Here is one corner of his disappeared, and the second is still visible. It turns out that the workpiece has a small "screw".
This corner has been raised. And this little corner has been raised.
He tries on another blank, looks at it, how these white corners will disappear.
The corners disappear almost simultaneously, which means the board is flat.
That's all, thanks to Andrey Yarmolkevich, the author of the channel of the same name, for the interesting tool presented.
Good luck to all!