The master made this table as a game table for his daughter. The original tabletop with a smooth surface is ideal for sculpting, drawing and easy to clean.
Tools and materials:
-Table top;
- Two-component epoxy;
-Coler (six colors);
- Measuring glasses;
-Putty knife;
- brush;
-Cutting a plastic pipe;
-A screwdriver;
Step One: Countertop
Before pouring, the master polishes the table top, rounds the edges.
Step Two: Epoxy
The epoxy master mixes with a hardener 1: 1. First knead in one glass. Then he pours the resin into a separate glass for each color.
Step Three: Base Color
As a base master uses white color. Mixes with epoxy for 4 minutes. Pours onto the countertop. Brush evenly distributes epoxy over the surface. To expel air bubbles, heats the surface with a burner.
Step Four: Five Colors
In five cups with epoxy resin adds five different colors. Mixes solutions. Then a piece of plastic pipe is installed on the table top. Pours a solution from each glass into a pipe. Do not mix in turn. Then he leads the pipe on the surface slightly raising, so that the contents poured out. Removes the pipe. Heats the surface with a burner. Then the master leaves the lid for a day, until the resin dries.
Step Five: Grinding
Cuts off drips. Grinds the surface.
Step Six: The Last Layer
Removes dust. Knead epoxy. Fills the last colorless epoxy layer. Heats the surface with a burner.

Seventh step: legs
Grinds the back side of the countertop.
Screws the legs.
The table is ready.
The whole process of making the table can be seen in the video.