Modern locking door devices reliably guarantee protection of the apartment from visiting thieves, but in order to equip the front door with them, you will have to pay a fairly round sum of money. Therefore, many people "just in case" prefer to keep valuables in secluded places of the apartment, hoping that thieves simply will not guess to look there. Below are several options for the possible arrangement of such caches, which not every lover of other people's values can detect.
Behind a drawer of furniture ...
If the house has a table or chest of drawers, between the back wall of which and the back wall of its drawer there is a bit of free space, then it can be used as a secret box by attaching a small plastic box to the back of the box.

At the basement of kitchen furniture ...
The basement boards of cabinets for kitchen sets usually perform only a decorative function, and behind them, as a rule, there is free space. The cache can be arranged by unscrewing the screws holding the base board and then attaching it to the magnetic latches. As a "mini-safe" it is recommended to use a waterproof plastic box, screwed or glued to of furniture in space behind the board.

Behind the panels of wooden wall cladding
Such a cache can be equipped in a suburban or country house. In order to make it, a rectangular hole is cut out in the wall cladding, and for it a door is made from the cladding panels, providing it with two transverse strips for rigidity. The inner wall of the groove of one of the panels is cut so that the door can open. On the one hand, it will be held in place by its crest, and on the other, by magnetic latches. For additional disguise on the wall above the cache, you can hang a shelf.

In the frame of the picture ...
In order to equip the cache in the frame of any, of course, inexpensive painting, removable slats are attached to it, allowing you to insert a second retractable bottom into the frame. On top of it, another back wall is installed, to which hooks for hanging the picture are attached.Hooks are attached to the upper bar, on which values are hung.
The planks of the frame are sawed “on the mustache” and achieve a tight fit to each other, so that they look outwardly glued. The frame-cache should look the same as the frame of paintings hanging nearby.

In the curtain rod ...
In order for the hollow curtain to become a cache, it is necessary to insert a plug inside it at a distance of about 15 cm from the edge. So the values do not "slip" far into the bar and they can be reached with your fingers. The hole in the bar itself is covered with some suitable design tip.

At the door ...
The secret door door is attractive because in such a place, values will be sought last. For its installation, a camera is selected at the upper edge of the door leaf with a chisel and covered with a curved metal strip embedded in the door. However, such a cache has two significant drawbacks: a small volume and the need to ensure that the values hidden in it do not rattle when opening and closing doors.

Of course, these are far from all options for arranging secluded places in the house where values can be hidden. Some people, for example, stubbornly do not want to abandon the "classics of the genre" and hide values in a pile of bed linen in the closet.