Many neglect such a common container for various drinks, like plastic bottles. Usually they are thrown right away or, at best, used as backup water tanks. However, quite a lot of useful and interesting devices can be made from this material. Here are 3 examples of simple and functional devices offered by the SLIVKISHOW channel that may come in handy on the farm.
Device 1. The simplest cutter for plastic bottles
For various household needs, twine is often required. If it ended at the most inopportune moment, and the store is far away, the next device will come to the rescue. To make it, you will need a plastic bottle, a lid from it and a clerical knife with a narrow blade.
Take the lid and make 2 cuts opposite each other
After that, we draw two parallel lines on the outer surface of the lid, placing them at the same distance from its center. Then we cut through these places with an office knife.
Next step: gently bend the lid in the middle, after which we fix the clerical knife blade in it, inserting it through two parallel holes.
Cut off the top of the bottle and remove the label from the bottom. Then we substitute the bottle to the blade and cut it to make a strip (you can also make an incision with scissors). We drag a strip of plastic from the bottom of the blade and pull it. The sharp edge of the blade will continue to dissolve the bottle into strips.

The result is such an alternative to twine made of PET material.
By the way, such a plastic tape has good heat shrink properties. And if a simple strapping does not seem reliable enough, you can heat it a little, and then it will firmly grab the objects and pull them together.
There are many options for bottle cutters - more advanced and convenient. Nevertheless, this simple and one-time device is also able to help out in a difficult situation, and at the same time it is going to be collected in just a couple of minutes.
Tool 2. A quick way to “dress” minced meat sausages on skewers
The following simple and original device allows you to very quickly string sausages from minced meat on skewers.To assemble it, we need a 0.5 liter plastic bottle from Pepsi, a plastic elbow for connecting pipes, a narrow can of Cola Cola (they must be thoroughly washed), a burner, a drill, as well as minced meat and skewers.
Using fire, we heat the inside of the knee so that the plastic softens a little, and then we put the knee on the neck of a plastic bottle. Thanks to preheating, it locks securely.
After that, we drill a 4-5 mm hole on the back of the plastic elbow, approximately in the middle of the bend. Then cut our bottle just below the middle.
Now fill the cropped bottle with minced meat. We take a wooden skewer and insert it into the hole in the plastic knee. Then we insert our can of Coke into a plastic bottle of Pepsi filled with minced meat. The Kola can must be exactly the right size, so it takes effort to move it.
Then everything is simple: we click on the bottle and a sausage from minced meat strung on a skewer appears from the knee.

That's all, it remains only to fry it.
P.S. Using plastic elbows of different diameters, you can vary the thickness of the sausages made of minced meat.
Fixture 3. Convenient holder for a metal sponge
Everyone in the kitchen probably has such a metal sponge.
Unfortunately, it does not keep its shape very long. After a rather short use, it stretches and loses its original elasticity, so it becomes less convenient to wash various impurities.
In this case, we also need a PET bottle (and some other string).
We need only the top of the bottle with a cap, so we cut it off and set it aside. Then we take a sponge, thread a lace through it and tie a knot. After that we thread the lace through the bottleneck so that the sponge snuggles firmly against the cut part of the bottle and fix it with the cap.
A simple and convenient holder is ready. Now it has become more convenient to use a metal sponge, and now it will lose its shape more slowly.

That's all. Thanks to the SLIVKISHOW channel for the ideas. Use PET bottles on the farm and also suggest your own use cases for this material. Good mood and all the best!