I’ll make a reservation right away, this is not a guide for opening someone else’s locks, it’s my own experience in opening my locks if the key is lost or the lock malfunctions. Well, to argue -))) Moreover, the locks are not cracked, and they can be used further.
I'll start with the simplest. Combined padlock.

Such a castle was released in the USSR. Four cylinders with numbers, and four marks on the front panel of the lock. Task: combine the desired numbers on the cylinders with labels. It opens very simply. Slowly scroll the cylinder. Before the desired number, the cylinder will go a little tighter, then easily. This is the desired number. We perform the same operation with the three remaining cylinders. If the lock does not open, you need to "trim" the numbers by labels. In principle, such a castle also opens.

I opened such locks only for an argument. Moreover, the first open lock was on the school pantry -)))
Not a single item from the school pantry was lost.
The next lock is a cylindrical padlock.
The task: to open the lock without damaging it (because, as having damaged, it opens in 5 seconds). To open such a lock, you need to pick up the key from another lock, if only he climbed into the well. Further, using a hacksaw for metal + files, we make additional cuts on the key. Saw up as often as possible. We insert the key into the lock all the way and try to turn it left-right and slightly back and forth. The lock will open 100%. And you will have both a lock and a key to it.
The third type of locks are level. Moreover, the key is approximately the same as in the photo.

Such a castle "turned". Over time, the beards on the key, or the pins in the lock, are erased and the key, one fine, but rather a nasty autumn day, "slips" past one of the pins of the lock. Most likely the castle opens and then closes. And the next day, twist, do not twist there is no sense.
On this key, on the one hand, there is a beard. There is a furrow in the entrance well of the castle. Accordingly, the key is inserted into the lock in only one position. To open the lock, grind the beard on the key, turn the key with the beard in the opposite direction to the furrow, and insert it into the lock. Then the key is rotated and the lock opens. There are several options below. You can replace the lock. You can disassemble and set the plates in the right order (difficult work without skill, a lot of plates and small springs) or use a sharpened key. I took apart the lock and put out the plates.
Another lock that I opened was a car. Opened for fun, under the guidance of a car mechanic.He had a metal ruler with a cut, at about 5-7 centimeters. A ruler slips between the glass and the door, in the area of the handle. Then traction is captured and stretched up. And the door opens.
And not for the sake of curiosity, he opened the door to the VAZ-2109. Classic, the key in the car the door is closed and you are standing in the middle of the city. Found a wire. I made a hook at the end. Slid, barely, the wire into the window opening, between the glass and the frame. Led to the latch. He threw a noose and pulled it up.
I opened the car for about 40 minutes, and during all this time no one asked, but what am I doing next to the closed car with pieces of wire?
Thanks for reading. Write in the comments your ways of working with locks. Besides the crowbar, of course.