There was a problem with me, I bought a chandelier, but I didn’t pay attention in time that it was equipped with E14 size cartridges. At home, only E27 format lamps are used in lighting (for reference, the number 27 is the diameter of the lamp base in millimeters).
Moreover, LED lamps were specially purchased for this chandelier. Which way out is to run to the store and buy electric bulbs on E14 or change to a chandelier with E27 cartridges. It's okay, I used a little ingenuity, scraped through the gutters and the problem was solved in a few minutes.
For this, the following materials and tools were needed:
1. Faulty energy-saving lamp
2. Soldering acid
3. Soldering iron (better at 100 watts)
4. Solder.
Carefully disassemble the energy saver so as not to damage the spiral glass bottle (it contains mercury vapor).
FROM e boards can be soldered radio components and used in other homemade or if the board is serviceable it can be used with a small alteration to power the LEDs or power supply. But that's another story.

We extract the metal base E14. The central conductor is left in place.
First, solder the center conductor from E14 to the center pin of the E27 lamp. Pre-drip soldering acid to the place of soldering.

Then we press the E14 cap to the side contact of the E27 lamp and solder in a circle.

The soldered connection turns out to be quite strong, you can safely screw it into the chandelier holder.
It is advisable to insulate part of the E27 cartridge protruding from the outside of the cartridge using an insulation tape or heat shrink.

If necessary, you can unsolder the E14 base back and you will again have a lamp on the E27, it will take a minute of time.
The whole process of remaking can be seen in the video