Winter has come, almost everywhere snow has already fallen, and in some places on the roads and ice. Riding on ordinary studless tires on ice is dangerous, and you have to be constantly nervous, traction is poor.
A way out of this situation will be studded tires, but not everyone has the money to buy them. But this is not a problem, you can spike tires do it yourself.

There are many types of different spikes, in most cases it is a spike fungus with a wide hat. With this hat, he is driven into the hole in the tire and it is already very difficult to pull it out, since only a small part of it comes to the surface. And if you put such a spike on the glue, everything will stay even more reliable.
In this video you can see how the author himself hisses tires. He drills the holes with a short drill, and then, using a special tool, drives them into the holes. The author uses screws as spikes, but do not do it like the author! Then these self-tapping screws fly out and wallow on the roads, of course, they are immediately caught by car tires.
It is better to buy ready-made spikes, they are inexpensive, you can.
In addition, your screws will immediately rub off on the asphalt, on the spike there is a tip made of very durable material.
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If you have winter tires installed and they have space for a stud, then they can be easily studded in this way. By the way, holes for the spike have already been drilled in such tires.
If there are no special places for the spike, you can choose them yourself. The rubber here must be thick, otherwise the spike will probably pop out. The more spikes there are, the higher will be the patency on ice.