» Homemade homemade »Wall-mounted folding dryer

Wall-mounted folding dryer

Good day to all.

In this article, the author of the N.O. YouTube channel He will tell us and show how to assemble, such a dryer from PVC pipes. Such homemade It will be useful to everyone who is trying to save space in the room. And also such a thing will look very good even in the bathroom and on the balcony.

And for such a homemade work the author needed the following materials:
Plumbing pipe Ø 50 mm.

PVC pipe Ø 20 mm.

PVC sheet.


Paper clip or piece of soft wire.
Wall-mounted folding dryer

A pair of bicycle knitting needles.

A couple of corks from eraser bottles.

Clip for pipe fastening 2 pcs.

And a couple of these hooks.

The author will cut 70 cm from a large pipe.

Next, make four through holes.

Then he will install a small pipe in a large one and mark the places of future holes.

Then he will make through holes in previously marked places.

Further, from a sheet of PVC, it will make 10 washers with such an outer diameter so that they freely fit into a large pipe, but do not hang out in it.

The diameter of the inner hole of the washers should be such that the washer fits tightly onto the small pipe.

Then he will put all the washers on the pipe, at approximately equal distance from each other.

Then install the pipe with washers in a large pipe.

And combine the holes in them.

Cut four pieces from a rope, the desired length. The lighter will burn the edges so that they do not open.

Then the clip will bend. And with the help of it she will thread all pieces of ropes into the holes.

On one edge of each rope temporarily knots.

After it pulls out the inner pipe.

And cut off the edges with knots.

By removing the excess.

And again, he will tie knots, only already constant with the help of which, the rope will be firmly fixed in a small pipe.

Pulling up the ropes.

Set this pipe in place.

Next, the author will put another small pipe on the free edges of the ropes and also tie knots.

After will make two more goals. With an outer diameter of 50 mm.

Set these washers in their places and stick them to the large pipe.

Next, cut two pieces from knitting needles.

Then, on each side, make one hole and install pieces of knitting needles in them.These will be the clips.

Next, cut off excess from small pipes and install on the edge of the cork.

Pre-pour glue into the corks.

On the other hand, it will do the same.

These clips will be fixed to one of the walls of the room in which the homemade product will be installed.

Metal hooks will be installed on the opposite wall.

This design works like this: you take out the clamps and pull the small pipe to the hooks, after you install the clamps back and you can use it.

After use, you take out the clips again and twist the ropes back.

And then you fix it.

Such an improvised dryer today was made by the author.
And that’s all for me. Thank you all and see you soon!

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    • smilesmilesxaxaokdontknowyahoonea
4 commentary
But in terms of strength, this design seems to be stronger than the factory one. I have a similar one in the bathroom, I haven’t tried the palace, but it can withstand a wet blanket. True, the fasteners are already broken, there the plastic case clings to straight hooks without any reinforcement. So I will remake the mount on such as described in this article.
And also such a thing will look very good even in the bathroom and on the balcony.
Apparently, the homemade product for drying wet clothes, but something tells me that the design is flimsy, my wife is washing the carpets! smile
Next, cut off excess from small pipes and install on the edges of the cork ....
On the other hand, it will do the same.
Immediately in size, was it not fate to saw off?
Cutting off “extra” pieces of rope is also not an optimal solution. Rope, of course, is not expensive, but I do not like meaningless expenses. )))
The idea is not bad, only the “master" needs to tear his hands off (which he himself will sometime successfully cope with, judging by how he weighs the plastic with a crown and a pen in his bare hands). The burrs on the washers cut out by a crown were not taught to remove it or is laziness a mother? that's why in the last shots the ropes so unwound so hard. And who told him that hot melt is suitable for bonding plastic? he was clearly deceived.

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