This is not even a boat in a bottle, the secret of which has long been known, but something new. But if you familiarize yourself with the method of manufacturing this homemade, invented by the author of Instructables under the nickname bkmiedema, you can do the same thing yourself.
Actually, there is a simpler way. Saw off one of the side cubes, place the drill, then glue it back. If then polished and varnished, and even more so painted, it will be difficult to notice cheating. But the master prefers to do without cheating completely.
He takes a piece of soft wood, preferably with a lot of annual rings. The fibers should go as shown in the photo:

Draws up a drawing (dimensions and tolerances are given in inches):

Supplements this drawing with recesses:
It cuts the workpiece by size, marks the recesses on it, adjusts the height of the circular:

Makes a notch (carefully!):

Admires the result:

And begins to share a secret with readers. In general, one of the side cubes of the workpiece must be boiled in water for 20 minutes:

After that, while the boiled portion is still hot and wet, squeeze it in a vise through the plates and leave it like this for 22 hours:

Well, then it’s clear what to do:

Having fixed the drill so that it does not fall out, the master again boils the flattened part, this time for only five minutes. She will take the previous form herself:

It remains to process the product with sandpaper and varnish. Done: