Buying a new barbecue grill is quite expensive. Therefore, it is much better to make a brazier from an old two-hundred-barrel barrel with your own hands.
To begin with, a hole is cut in an old barrel with a grinder (almost a third of the entire surface area). Then, using metal corners and a steel grill, a surface is constructed on which the meat will be placed during frying. The corners are fixed to the barrel frame with bolts. Naturally, in advance it is necessary to make all the necessary calculations on paper so that the lattice fits exactly in the barrel body. The cut-off part with the help of hinges returns back to its place - now it will be a cover to which you can attach a metal handle. The whole structure is placed on a prepared base, which should reliably support the weight of the barbecue. Before you prepare a delicious dish in such a grill, you need to heat the barrel frame as much as possible so that all the harmful substances contained in the paint burn out.
On a warm summer evening, it’s good to sit down on a handmade bench made from a tree trunk. Just do not need to specially cut a perennial giant to make under the tree - Probably in the area there is an old sawn tree.
So, you will need: ax, saw and varnish on wood. First you need to decide on a long bench and saw off unnecessary parts from the trunk. Then, with the help of an ax, you should hollow a niche in the trunk into which it will be convenient to sit. The future shop is placed on several logs that are attached to it with nails. These elements will give stability to the entire structure. A bench from a tree trunk is varnished and set in the right place in your garden. Also, using the same technology, you can make chairs and tables that fit perfectly into the garden interior of your estate.

The frame for this table is assembled from ordinary boards. You can also use old boxes and wooden boxes that are suitable in size.Using screws, the logs are attached around the perimeter of the frame from the inside. To make a homemade one hundred beautiful, you need to choose even and neat logs that will delight the eye. On the bottom of the box (or box) on the front side glued rings sawn from logs. The height of the rings and the logs themselves must coincide, so that the effect is created that the table consists entirely of wooden chocks. The cracks between the rings are puttied with putty. Designer log table at your service.
There is a barbecue, a bench and a chair, too. But is something still missing? Of course, home animals. And even if you do not have pets, you can make decorations for the garden of stone yourself, which will look like real cats and other animals.
In any garden there is at least one stone of impressive size, which is usually lying in the farthest corner of the site. Convert it with ordinary paints and your imagination. First you need to wash the stone from dirt sand. Give him some time to dry. Then, with the help of paints and a brush, you can draw on a stone any animal that you think a stone resembles in silhouette. Of course, such a beast will not replace real pets, but then in your garden will appear an original decoration made of ordinary gray monolith.
Now everything is ready for any celebrations. You can call guests and start cooking kebabs. There is where to sit and what to put treats for friends. Surely many of them will appreciate what you did with your own hands from improvised materials.