Once our team was called "The Hillbilly" and we were the first to call them so flying boards - hydroboards, the first of which was the "Amfibian" hydroboard. After it, "Style" appeared, and now "Swift" should appear - another board from a series of hydroboards.
I showed the guys this video ...
Summer - everyone wants to splash in the water, but here it’s model! Another excuse to go to the pond.
Guys, they tried to make the same flying board as they saw on the screen. But, there are no drawings.
At first, they “cut” the Penoplex insulation onto thin sheets with a thickness of 10 mm. start made floats.
The bearing plane was cut out, reinforced with a glued wooden rail with a cross section of 50 x 5 mm. , stuck floats to it.
They cooked up the fuselage; they dazzled some kind of booth from the scraps of the bottle. Even the pilot was portrayed by cutting it out of cardboard and painting it with felt-tip pens. . several videos, all sorts of drawings have seen enough, where they showed how to increase the height of the floats.
The guys decided to abandon the increase in the thickness of the floats.
They decided not to make redans at all, to enter the planing mode.
For the test, we decided to use plastic soda bottles.
Now the rudder is ready, and the elevons are hung.
They began to fit with colored tape. Put the motor, servos, traction connected.
Did some test races on water and grass.
We decided to refuse the services of bottles, they stick too much to the water and do not allow the model to come off the surface.
In winter, when there will be snow, the bottles will be indispensable.
We experimented for a long time with the engine mowing.
The result is such a model.
Bottom view of the model on the floats.
When the model flies, it strikes through the water like swifts.

A bit about the model.
Length - 1000 mm.
Span - 1160 mm.
Flight weight - 850 g.
Motor - 3010 1400
Screw - 8x6 three-blade.
The regulator is 40A ..
Servos - NHT900.
Battery 2200 3S
Friends, build bodyboards, have fun with them!
Build - you will not regret it!
Building is easy, flying is fun!