The family of the author of Instructables, under the nickname psanpitak, took home a disabled dog with hind legs paralyzed. For her, the master designed a stroller, consisting mainly of PVC pipes.
IN homemade common PVC pipes of the Schedule 40 type are used. In this case, Schedule is not a schedule, but. The frame of such pipes can withstand the weight of a medium-sized dog. The master made a list of everything necessary for assembling the stroller:
With this tool he will cut PVC pipes:
And there will be many such screws, a whole package:
Psanpitak made a drawing:
Now it’s clear how many pieces of pipe are needed, and how long in inches (diameter is everywhere - half an inch):

In two tees, the master makes half-inch holes, as shown in the photo, for fastening the rear wheels:
Assembles the frame according to the drawing first on the plane:
And then - in volume:
Since tightness is not required here, instead of the welding usually used in such cases, the master uses self-tapping screws:
To install the front rollers, they put a small piece of PVC pipe on each pin of them, and wrap the rest of the length with aluminum tape so that it is pressed tightly into the tube of the frame:
Tightens the rear wheels (see above for holes for them), not forgetting the locknuts:
It puts belts, the design of which is shown in the photo:
A dog in such a stroller can move by itself, using only its front legs, and they are not loaded with its weight (it can even lift them and keep them on weight) thanks to the rollers. Which, in fact, is required: although the front legs of this dog, unlike the hind legs, are not paralyzed, but they are significantly weakened.