Many of the models that I built with the kids that you can see begin with these drawings.
Convair XF2Y Seadart.
And the plane itself is also beautiful and it is not surprising that the guys take it as a prototype for their models.
They also, very often, use the drawing of the Loren apparatus from the Flight Treatise - Vimanika Shastra.

Take a little from each and use when building models.
So this time they used “Loren” as a wing, and constructively designed modellike Sedart.
A little about the model.
The length of the model is 1060 mm.
Span - 960 mm.
Empty carcass weight - 300 g.
Ceiling tile.
Universal adhesive, moisture resistant - "Titanium".
Carbon whip for fishing rod - 2 pcs.
Motor - 3010 1300Kv 420 W. With a thrust of 1650 g.
Screw - 8x6 three-blade.
Battery - 2200 3S 20C
The regulator is 50A.
Servos - NHT900.
The ceilings glued the wing of two layers.
The fuselage is mounted on it.
In the course of work, slightly changed the shape of the fuselage and the cockpit.
Moved to the bottom of the fuselage.
The pilot was cut out of a piece of insulation "Penopleks"
The motor is mounted on the keel.
Small floats at the ends of the wing did the same from a 2 cm heater.
Glued the bottom of the fuselage.
Redan made in the Central heating.
Battery and all electronics located in the fuselage. Access to them is through a special hatch, which is fixed when starting the model with transparent tape.
The motor is installed.
Elevons are hung, servos are placed.
Cut out, tried on and immediately glued.
Moved to the bottom of the fuselage.
The bottom of the fuselage is made of two layers of the ceiling.
The bottom of the fuselage was covered with sticky plumbing tape.
Installation of control surfaces was done on double-sided tape and sealed with transparent tape on top.
They began to fit with colored tape.
The guys wanted to give the name of the model - “Glory”, but changed their minds and called it “Ray.”
Set the LEDs on the keel.
Here is such a model.
Children are unpredictable people. They made a model, and to calm down, but where there, a new idea has ripened.
It was decided to create an unkillable aircraft model similar to that created.
The foam sheet of the Penoplex insulation was sawn on a foam cutter into plates with a thickness of 1.5 mm.
They took the same plane as a basis.
About the model.
Length - 1320 mm.
Span - 990 mm.
Carcass weight - 300g.
Motor - without identification marks, once put on the Amfibian model.
Screw - 11 x 7.
They glued the details of the model and immediately tightened with tape.
For the top coating applied ceiling.
The fuselage made the simplest form.
It was decided to put two keels on the model, for greater track stability.
Hanged elevons on scotch tape.
During the construction process, they decided to supply managed PGO.
Installed servos, connected traction.
So the “Ray - 2” model appeared.
Here is a video of the first take-off of the model.
Here is such a non-killable model turned out.
I would like to know what else my pets will come up with, what is the next idea ripening in their heads?