Any kid with enthusiasm and adoration is a fairy tale miracles. My six-year-old grandson is no exception, but he was slightly fed up with New Year's matinees and gifts, and without much sadness said goodbye to Santa Claus flying through the starry sky on deers, waving his hand. And at Christmas, no less saturated with the atmosphere of magic, he promised to visit grandfather and grandmother, good wizards for his grandson, who will fulfill his cherished dream, giving him the most amazing surprises. Grandma's fine, she already made a chocolate pig
Chic set of felt-tip pens.
I have to fulfill the promised string musical instrument. As always, went to garagewhere broken toys from my son and daughter and other trinkets are dumped in a large wooden box.
A vulture appeared from some string instrument.
I decided to use an empty coffee can as a soundboard.
For strings I chose a steel core from a section of a field communication cable P-274.

Found round sticks with a diameter of 6 mm
I cut four glazing beads of 3 cm under the pegs for string tension. In the neck, the holes turned out to be 5 mm, each peg drove from one end with the M-5 handle
Drilled holes in them 1 mm
To secure the ends of the strings.
The old deck was not found, cut a cork from a piece of wood
On glue with cloves cemented on the bar
I screwed a tin can to the cork with screws.
From the other end of the can in the wall I punched 4 holes for the exit of the ends of the strings
Top mounted on the screws on the rear sill made of plastic.
He pulled the strings to pegs, from a piece of plastic, for the convenience of playing the instrument, cut out a couple of mediators.
He tried to play a melody, string bust, even took a couple of chords. The sound is inimitable, even a little unearthly! The result was a musical instrument, almost a classic banjo
Merry Christmas to you, beloved grandson!