Sergey Shevyrin prepared another gift for us all - a photo session of the master class on the creation of the CANADAIR CL-415 seaplane model.

Honestly, when I started building this model, doubts took me, can I build such a model on my own?
Now I can say with confidence that even a novice aircraft modeller, barely familiar with the construction of simple models, will be able to cope with this work.

I supplemented Sergey’s photo report with my photos and drawings of this model.
The most important thing is to accurately mark all the details on the ceiling and carefully cut them out - this is the key to success!
Creating a model begins with the installation of the fuselage.
We take the bearing, axial plane of the fuselage and begin to painstakingly stick partitions to it.
First from the top.
When all the bulkheads are glued and the glue dries, we begin the same process from the bottom of the fuselage.
It is advisable to stick all the details, observing a right angle. Otherwise, there will be distortions of the fuselage. Check with a square often.
On these partitions, we begin the lining of the side walls of the fuselage from the bow.
Gradually moving to the entire fuselage.

We glue together the glued parts with technological stickers from paper, masking tape until the glue completely dries.

The next step in creating the model will be the production of a stabilizer and keel. These elements are made of two layers of ceiling.
As they are ready, these parts are immediately wrapped in colored tape and mounted in one single element - the tail unit.

Carefully measure the sliced ribs, inserting them between the glued side members on the wing blanks.

Spars are made of wooden slats.

The upper wing skin is prepared.

We glue the outer skin of the wing along the leading edge. We lay wires for connecting servos.

The final stage of gluing the wing.

It turned out a wonderful profile.

Very carefully, we cut out the ailerons from the wing.

Ailerons are hung on tape. You can use double-sided tape, followed by sticking it with simple tape to prevent sticking.
We make motogandols on the wings.
We mount motor mounts depending on the fastening of the motors used.
Do not forget to lay wiring from motors and servos.

Here is a way to install servos offered by Sergey.
When installing servos, double-sided tape is used.

The main thing is to bring the servo to the middle, neutral position before installation.

After installing the servo, the installation site is glued with colored tape and heated with an iron for strength.

An original elevator control solution with a single servo. Traction goes to each half of the plane of the PB.

The wings are tried on to the fuselage, and then glued.

It is very important to correctly determine the CT model.
For wings, small floats are made from the ceiling. They can be cut from a whole piece of Penoplex insulation.

This is how the assembled model looks like.

For the manufacture of the model used such materials.
The ceiling.
Heater "Penopleks".
Clay - "Titan".
Reiki wooden, pine.
Color and double-sided tape.
Motors - AH 2308 N 1300Kv.
Omnidirectional screws - 8 X 4.
Regulators - 30 A.
Servos - any with a force of at least 1.5 kg.
This is the model I have assembled.

And this is me with my assembled model.
Congratulations on the successful completion of the construction of the Canadaer aircraft model.
Successful flights.