For many years, he has shared the construction of these two models, which I want to tell you about.
They are somewhat similar to each other, although the similarity is very slight.
A little background on the creation of the first model.
About 5-6 years ago I built a very interesting modelseen on the FF video - Saber Warrior Part 6 “Warrior Sword”
and then I called my model - “Sword”.

You can see about it
Such models, as I call them “shnyagi,” are very interesting and simple in design, and they fly unusually.
Of course, you can twist barrels, loops on them and make some other aerobatics, but a full flight, it is difficult to get them. It happened that such models did not take off at all, but could ride briskly, ride on grass, snow or water.

The "General Designer" really liked the model.

The empty “carcass” of the “Sword” model was very stable in the air, I had a good plan and I decided to do the same, just attach floats to it as well.
Of course, again there was a complete improvisation.
I built the model, as usual, from the ceiling.
I called this model “Raven”.
Customized sizes for the motor.
The design of the model is quite simple, does not require large capital investments and time to build it. But how many unique emotions you experience when you launch it.
Hydro Foam models can be built both small and gigantic.
He began to fit with colored tape.

It remains to hang the elevons, put the hogs, servos, connect the rods.
Check at the starting position.

That's how the "Raven" looks on the water.

Beautiful model.
A few words about the model.
Length - 800 mm.
Span - 960 mm.
Motor - 2210 1400
The regulator is 30-A.
Screw 8 x6.
Battery 1300 3S
Servos - NHT900.
And finally, a few words about the model built recently.
The construction of this model was easier. There were some drawings and photographs on which I began to build this model.
This time, instead of ceiling tiles, I took a simple substrate under the laminate, 5 mm thick.
I also used wooden slats with a cross section of 10 X 5 mm.
He started by cutting out all the details from the substrate.
When the first steps were taken in the construction of this model, I wanted to give it the name "Glare" - "Glaer" and even began to fit it with colored tape on the basis of this name. , but later, almost before the completion of the work, he decided to give her the name "Bam - Bak -2" and changed the color palette.
The next step is fitting and fitting parts.
The model is like this electronics.
Motor - 3010 L 130 Kv. 420 W.
Screw - 8 x 6 three-blade.
The regulator is 40 A.
Servos NHT900.
The battery is 2200 3S.
Dimensions of the model.
Length -
Swipe -
Weight (flight) - 550 g.
The motor is installed. You can put servos, mount boars and connect rods.
So the construction of the model "Bam - Bak - 2" is completed.
This is how elevons work.
This is what the model looks like before the tests.
Selfie with a model.
Let me finish this story. See you soon. Your valerian.