Hello, friends!
For a long time I wanted to talk about my indifferent attitude to aircraft called an ekranoplan.
Many people call this device a bulletproof device; personally, I have not found an explanatory explanation of these two terms on the Internet. I understood only one thing, that those devices that can’t get high off the water are ekranoplanes, and those that can fly like ordinary airplanes are ekranoplans.
Ever since I got a computer, and I was able to access the Internet, I had a huge interest in these devices.
My first model WIG I designed myself.
The model quickly glided over the water surface and even on the grass, but it did not reach the screen mode.
I thought that the difficulty of the model entering the on-screen mode, from its small size. But, having looked at how many videos, I realized that I was mistaken.
The most important thing is the balancing of the model, sufficient engine thrust and good blowing under the wing of an ekranoplan.
I looked through a note in the UT magazine on the topic of building an ekranoplan model.
I read a publication about this in the journal “Technique of Youth”.
Publications on this subject can be found in other publications.
I started building a more solid model of an ekranoplan - an ekranolet, when I got acquainted closely with the ekranoplanes of Rostislav Alekseev.
But as a basis, I took the model of the ekranoleta created by Vladimir Sereda
I will not talk much about this model, since it was not completed by me, due to illness.
I will show a few photos of work on this model.
Blank for the fuselage.
So the wing was going.
Glued the floats. I remade them twice due to the wrong cutout for the wing.
There should be a battery.
Flight altitude control will be carried out by flaps (ailerons)
Here. perhaps all that can be said about this unfinished model.
Some time passed and I saw a video, and later the article itself about the Tom flying craft.
I was already familiar with the designs and drawings of Alexander Mosunov and used them to build my model aircraft.
This time, the author proposed his version of the ekranolet.
He used the drawings provided by Alexander.
I decided to make a model, a little bigger than the author’s model.
Size fit to my existing electronics.
Motor - 3010 1300Kv
Screw - 8 x 4.5 ..
The regulator is 40A.
Servos - NHT900.
The battery is 2200 3 S.
During the construction I used these materials.
Ceiling tile (ceiling) - 4 mm.
Universal glue - "Titan".
Colored adhesive tape.
Started with a wing. The wing did not cause me any difficulties. Inside the wing made aileron from the ceiling
The thirst for PB passes inside the keel through a soft tube from the dropper - Bowden.
This is what the fuselage floats and redans look like.
Fuselage side blanks.
He covered individual parts of the model with colored tape before installing them in place. The bottom of the model was covered with black tape.
Separate stages of gluing parts.
This is the final stage of creating the model.
The model got its name in honor of the ancestors who lived in antiquity in our area - Meshcherov.
Here, maybe, there was an aircraft model of the ekranosleta - Meshcherka.
As usual, a photo with a model for the story.
Well, and finally, I’ll talk a little about the new model.
“Baryon” is heavy, such a model will soon appear on the eve of spring.
The model is created based on the model of ekranoplan Vladimir Sereda "SIGMA - j"
I took this photo here, enlarged it, copied the silhouette of the model onto tracing paper and put down the dimensions I needed.

Here on these "drawings" build a model.
He also used several drawings that he found on the Internet as auxiliary material and photographs from the project of Vladimir Sereda.
A few words about the size and electronics.
Motor - D3548 / 4 1100Kv.
Screw 11 X 7 ..
The regulator is 80 A.
Battery 2200 4S.
Servos - MG90S
Length - 1150 mm
Span - 1200 mm.
Here is what has already been done.
As a theater begins with a hanger, so a model begins with wings.
Floats and fuselage are mounted on the wings.
Locally fit the model with colored tape.
Modenl is very beautiful and interesting. I will not go into details, I hope to write a separate article about this model, it deserves it.
That's how she looks at this moment.
And this is a photograph in the process of work.
That's all for now. See you. IN..