I must say right away that this “masterpiece” has nothing to do with masterpiece, nor with know-how, nor with the implementation of original ideas or yet unproven technologies. But it is from such simple solutions "for the home, for the family" that the real grow the inhabitants of our site. Which, then, can not only change or tighten the taps of the mixer, but something more.
So my two sons, having seen how daddy is preparing for the picnic season and outings in the schizophrenic (naturally, in the good sense of the word), having done as barbecue grillso him light version, came up with a simple question: “let’s do something, too, and you will look, give advice, recommendations.”
Zeal is laudable, did not begin to destroy him in the bud. Moreover, it was still necessary to do three small, but very necessary things when cooking outdoors, things:
• a small scoop for cleaning an already cooled brazier;
• a fan to fan the coals in it while cooking;
• compact poker, to trample them when burning and mix.
Of course, all this can simply be bought, and, for very little money. But it’s so uninteresting. So - we are going to create on the balcony, where several years ago I arranged a compact but very convenient mini-workshop.
Over the years, I did not make them alone, so I draw a pattern "almost with my eyes closed." But you can simply print this drawing, reducing it, enlarging, stretching or squeezing: it all depends on the wishes and the original piece of tin. I had at hand a fragment of 120 by 240 mm.
For many years I use the one from which the master installers of metal-plastic windows make external window sills. And all because with a very decent appearance, they are thin,
and cut-fold is incredibly simple. Which, my middle son, in fact, did.
But if he cut with simple scissors for metal, then he bent in small vise with an excellent fit of the lips: honestly, I would never have thought of using such a thing.
Started with a pen: first one side,
then another
and after - a bend for attaching to the scoop itself.
Now the mate. In the first diagram, I circled two fragments with red ovals: I always prefer to cut them in place: consider that this is just my "trick".
We bend one power part of the future scoop,
then the second
the back. It will consist of two layers plus “ears” hidden between them, so it will also become power.
Fasten everything with the smallest, shortest rivets (I had 2.8 mm in my hand)
remove the outer protective film from the white side,
and really rejoice that the new master,
came out with such a good, functional scoop.
Hand fan
Even easier. But when I went over the sketch-options, I revealed one unpleasant tendency: all the options were with a sticking out handle:
Just some kind of ping-pong racket, only plastic. I only know from experience that it is wildly uncomfortable, and strives to break when the fan is used too much. So, using the slogan of all the world's car tuners “you can’t buy - build (in my case, do it yourself)”, used it as a guide to action.
I also wanted to make metal, possibly with plastic elements. But the eldest son suggested: you recently bought an orange (loves this color) building hair dryer, but I haven’t done anything yet. Let's fix it.
The idea is excellent, said, done, proceed. For its implementation it was required:
• a piece of thick plastic, with a thickness of 3-5 and a size of 100x140 (with a margin) millimeters;
• a fragment of thin plastic, I had 150 by 200 mm - you can easily take more;
• three rivets with dimensions M4-M6 and the same number of washers of the corresponding diameter.
We heat a thick piece, bend it in half roughly:
After alignment and processing, it becomes approximately 40x130 mm: optimal for the middle arm.
We cut out thin plastic arbitrarily, but there should be no sharp corners: with intensive fanning of coals, the fan may simply break.
Now we heat the thick fragment again, insert the thin one, clamp it in a vice (just don’t overdo it, it might burst inadvertently), and leave it to cool.
It turned out not bad, but nevertheless the thin part is held unreliably.
There are two options: to put on glue or fix it firmly. We chose the second.
We drill holes, and on rivets, be sure - through the washer on the other hand, so that in no case the plastic bursts, we plant.
That's all wisdom, compact, lightweight fan, ready. They wanted to drill holes for fingers with a pen drill,
and then changed their minds: there is no need. And so convenient.
For me - it turned out quite well. And here is how he will prove himself in practice, the first cooking outdoors in the new season will show. So you have to wait.
Small poker
And again, the creative sobering up of the eldest son from the original plan made me think. What is a classic poker? L-shaped metal stick, flat at the end, and with a comfortable, non-heating handle. And what prevents to do not a single, but a double tip? So the coals will mix more efficiently, and it will not get stuck in the blower holes, and it will look more interesting. No, it's decided, we do this.
And the middle son “added fuel to the fire”: you used the counterpart from your grill net for your closed barbecue as a removable grill for steaks,
and the lower part remained unowned. Therefore, it became obvious not only the design, but also what it is worth making such a poker from.
In fact, we did nothing: we removed all the transverse rods (pretty rotten during operation at that time), and left only the “horns”:
And then they simply bent the square, cutting off the excess: the resulting poker should still be compact.
I did not know how, more precisely - than, to fasten them together, until my auto repairman saw it. Yes, cook them, business then. So he did for a minute: he went for dark glasses longer.
This is the third subject of our “picnic set”, ready. All that remains is to put everything in the bag intended for him: good, he already is.
And let it be supplemented with several newspapers for ignition, the appropriate liquid, lighter, a substrate of non-combustible asbestos fabric (thanks to our firefighters), the beginning has been made. So, it’s not far off that day when the children go to nature already WITHOUT parents, only with their company.
P.S. I won’t be surprised if in the comments I read something like “why is this needed”, “all this can be bought at the nearest supermarket” or “the article is about nothing”. And for my sons it’s a “school desk” and a great opportunity to distract at least briefly from electronic gadgets and teach something.