Probably, many watched the magnificent feature film "Avatar". Many remember the aircraft from this film - "Samson."

So I want to show you how my friend built model of this apparatus.
The author hatched the idea of building this model for a long time. The author has already built two aircraft models from this film. And so, he finally decided to create a similar apparatus.
The construction of this aircraft was preceded by thorough preparation. Many videos, the film itself and many photographs and drawings of this interesting aircraft under the name "Samson" were watched.
The author chose the Penoplex insulation blocks as the main material for building the model. Ceiling, wooden rulers, aluminum tubes and much more were also used. Painting was carried out with acrylic paint.
Planned size and weight of the model.
Span - 1200mm.
Length - 1200mm.
Total weight - 2000g.
The author began building the model with a blank for the fuselage. It turned out quite large, its weight was 1500 g.
As a result of the removal of excess polystyrene, there were two halves of the fuselage of the apparatus weighing 250 g, which exceeded the estimated weight by 50 g.
He fastened both halves of the aircraft body with double-sided tape, which would be more convenient to handle. Processing was carried out with fine-grained sandpaper.
Mounted rear fuselage.
Windows are cut out.
Next, the author begins to detail the model.
Everything is done, as accurately as possible to the original.
Through the glass of the cockpit visible seats of complex shape. The seat design was selected especially carefully.

All sizes of interior details were calculated and checked.
The author with jewelry precision created all the equipment of the cockpit, starting with appliances, seats and ending with small details of the interior, such as control pedals, fire extinguishers.
All this is painstakingly mounted in its place.
The author paid much attention to the glazing of the cockpit.
Strips of LEDs are installed inside the cab to illuminate the cab from the inside.
Familiar outlines of the Samson aircraft appear.
The author made the chassis reinforcement from aluminum tubes
That's what they look like.
A cut is made in the upper part of the fuselage, which is fortified with a balsa. This is the place for the power plant.
Next, details of the external equipment of the device are made.
Glued air intakes made of ceiling tiles and reinforced with reinforced tape.
During the construction process, individual elements of the model are painted.
Finished work with external side lights and interior lighting.
Protective rings on engine mounting beams are made using composite technology. In the center of the rings are mounted mounts for motors. Beams are passed through the rings in diameter and glued.
Experiments are being conducted with various motors and screws.
Samson's appearance is complemented by individual elements.
Servos are installed to rotate the beam.
Tested all electronics.
Ready model.
Videos about the flight of the model.