Fake diamond do it yourself can be cooked in home conditions. This stone can be used to create interior compositions and to create decorative elements.
This is a completely new technology, everyone can master it.
To work, we need completely simple components:
• water;
• gypsum;
• sand;
• surfactant solution;
• modifier;
• several dyes;
• construction tools (brushes, sponge, bucket, drill with nozzles for kneading);
• polyurethane matrices.

The whole procedure is quite simple and is divided into three stages.

The first step is the application of dye to the mold.

The second stage is the preparation of the working mixture and pouring it into the mold.

The third stage is drying and extraction of the finished stone of their shape.

From a distance it is very similar to natural stone. Its use complements the interior with luxury and style.