[media = http: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = xIt8nPbGxYM]
Make in home Various gypsum elements (figurines, sculptures, various architectural design elements) can be made using ordinary silicone molds. The silicone mold accurately conveys the shape of any item and allows you to make a very large number of copies.
In this case, two-component silicone with a hardener is used.
Using plumbing sealant, we fix the matrix on the base of the box.

Carefully coat all joints with sealant.

Now collect the matrix box. To avoid leakage of silicone in the gap, seal all joints with sealant.

After completing all these steps, you can begin to fill the matrix with silicone.
After complete drying, you can disassemble the box. The silicone mold is ready.