The author of Instructables under the nickname John_Malecki tells how to make a sign with the inscription On air (or any other) from epoxy.
Although such a sign can be performed simply on a piece of plexiglass cut to size, the master decides to make it from epoxy do it yourself even the foundation. First of all, he prepares the form so that the resulting sheet is easy to separate from it. For this, ordinary adhesive tape is well suited:

Between two sheets of plywood, separated by strips with a thickness of about 6 mm, he fills the epoxy, and then, due to the fact that not only plywood comes into contact with the resin directly, but adhesive tape, it extracts the finished base from the mold for the sign. Planks specify the dimensions of the base, as well as the distance between the plywood sheets, which determines its thickness. John_Malecki mills letters and a rectangle around them on the resulting epoxy sheet. Do not go through, this is not a stencil. About half the depth.

The resulting recesses are filled with a dark epoxy, this time tape is not required, because you do not need to extract letters from the sheet. On the contrary, they must be held there as tightly as possible:

It polishes everything that has come out beyond the surface of the sheet, and now the letters and lines have clear contours:

A wooden frame is made in the usual way:

Sets the sheet to the frame, adds LED backlight. If desired, the sign can be made not luminous. So that, having one frame with or without backlight, it is possible to change sheets with inscriptions in it, it is convenient to use magnets glued to the frame and sheets: