Hello, friends!
After much thought and hesitation, I decided to write this story about the creator of amazing, in all respects, aircraft models, which won the hearts of a huge number of aircraft models not only in our country, but also in many foreign countries.
His models, starting with the usual S-45m pusher, are involuntarily mesmerizing. And it is not surprising that many aircraft models try to repeat these models.
My first acquaintance with models Sergey Alexandrov and with him began with the project S-59 "Killer Whale".
At that time, I was just starting my first steps in aircraft modeling after a huge break of more than 60 years.
Sergey became for me a teacher, educator, mentor and friend.
He even came to visit me in the village, brought his models “Dominator” and “Cyberlarus”.
Sergey is a representative of a new generation of designers, with new ideas and thoughts, sometimes difficult for my generation to understand.
Someone from the great people said that a talented person is talented in everything. These words directly refer to Sergey. The creation of a whole gallery of aircraft models, of its own design, is not its only advantage. He is also a great kickboxing athlete and a great percussion player.
Sorry for such a lengthy introduction, but Sergey is worth it.
Now I turn directly to his aircraft modeling work.
You can show and talk about his aircraft models for a very long time. I will confine myself to showing photos of his selected models from the whole set.
I'll start with early work.
S-45 Duck
S- 49.

S - 57 "Sky hunter."
S - 59 "Killer whale" (C - 59 "Killer Whale").

S - 61 Red star (S - XX).
AL-10 Skat

AL - 607 MFPI
AL - 609 With "Dominator".
AL - 101 "Ricor".
TK - 102.
AL - 101 (RC VTOL).
AL - 103 Ricor II.
AL - 631 "Archon".
Al - 350 Courier 5.
Fl - 105 "Larus" concept of a knapsack drone.
And many others.
I would be glad to show and tell in detail about the process of creating each aircraft model, but, unfortunately, the author does not give a detailed description of not only the creation process, but also information about the models.
In conclusion, I want to dwell in more detail on the creation of the concept of the sixth generation fighter AL - 631 Archon.
Long before the start of work on the creation of this aircraft, many sketches and sketches were created before the desired option appeared.
TTX models:
Span - 1360mm.
Length - 2080mm.
Weight: 5100-5400g.
Battery - 3S 6200 40C - 2 pcs.
Impellers - EDF 108 with a thrust of up to 3.0 kg each - 2 pcs.
The process of creating a model.
At first, such a design is assembled; carbon tubes are used for its manufacture.
Further, this design is sheathed with a substrate under the laminate. For bonding the substrate, Titanium glue, UHU Por, and cyacrine were used.
The appearance of the model resembled the skeleton of a prehistoric animal, and the author sometimes called the model “Liopleurodon”.
The model turned out to be quite large, and the substrate is quite brittle and had to be handled very carefully.
Working with a model sometimes resembled a car repair.
A special place in the creation of the model was taken by the work on the manufacture of a lamp for the cockpit. For the formation, a form was made - a blank on which, using a special fixtures, ball squeezed out a lantern.
Painting of the model begins.
The model is made up of several parts.
The author decided to paint the model first, and then cover it with transparent tape.
Where possible, the lines were drawn using a raiser.
This is how the chassis works.
Equipment installation
I will not go into details electronic The equipment installed on this model, who will be interested, will go to Sergey’s website and find out everything that he will need.

Presentation of their aircraft by Sergey Alexandrov Al-310 and Al-320 in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The hero of Kazakhstan, pilot-cosmonaut Aydin Ayymbetov, presented the aircraft.
In conclusion, a few videos and photos of the finished aircraft model.
On this, let me say goodbye to you. Goodbye, your Valerian.