Today I want to show you one very interesting aircraft model.
I have long wanted to talk about her and show how this model can build. The author of this article shows in sufficient detail the main stages of the construction of the model. I want to say right away that one feature of this model is the ability of the model to fly vertically.
To build this model, you need a little ceiling tiles, universal adhesive "Titan", colored tape and several hours of free time. After the author downloaded the drawings, he made templates and cut out the main elements of the model from them.
The main wing is made of two layers of the ceiling.
Places for mounting the motor and screw are cut out.
It is advisable to know the exact size of the screw so that the cutout is already made for it.
Elevons are made from one layer of the ceiling.
To strengthen the wing, two wooden slats of 6 X6 mm are glued.
Elevons are mounted on scotch tape, according to such a scheme.
Keels are made of two layers of the ceiling.
They cut grooves for bonding with the wing and moving the elevons.
Finished keels are mounted on the wing.
Installation of keels at right angles to the wing, checked by a square.
Workpieces are made for the front battery stops.
The blanks are glued together and mounted in place.
Boars are glued.
For mounting the motor, a piece of -3 mm is glued. plywood, size 40X40 mm.
Tightening the model with tape is done according to your taste.
It is not necessary that the model would look like the author.
When I made the model, it turned out like this.
In accordance with the CT electronics. All electronics are mounted on double-sided tape.
Motor - C2230 1780Kv.
CF2805 1600Kv

Screw - 6 X4.

The regulator is 25A.

Servos - any.
Battery - 3S 1000mAh.

Span - 880 mm.
Length - 400 mm.
That's it! Build, fly, get excited!
Goodbye your Valerian master.