Surely no one will remember who and when first came up with the first under the tree from a plastic bottle. Ideas for their extraordinary application are created simply on the fly. The man felt uncomfortable - and then with the help of a plastic bottle a solution was found and a solution to the problem.
Looking at this image, we see that it is a lamp for lighting the garage. But how it works and how it works, you can understand only by watching this video.
This lamp does not work on electrical energy or on solar panels. He shines only when the sun shines on him.

We make a hole in the roof (exactly the diameter of the plastic bottle). Carefully clean the edges.

Using sandpaper, remove the gloss from our bottle (make it slightly rough).

Pour one cap of any disinfectant into the bottle (so that the water does not get cloudy and green) and fill it to the top with water.

Then we put our “environmentally friendly lamp” in the hole in the roof and fix it with any heat-resistant putty (sealant, silicone, putty).

If such lamps are placed on the roof in sufficient quantities, then the question of alternative lighting of the garage in the daytime is completely resolved.