I am a man, here is a new site.
However, looking around, I immediately drew attention to the neglected naval aspect in modelism. There are good and informative craftsbut no models. Such as, for example, in the air molar section. It is necessary to categorically correct this situation.
Let's start with - A gift for a grandson.
Historical reference.
When a new ship is laid on the stocks of the shipyard, the so-called "mortgage" board is always laid at the base of the keel.
She usually:

Mortgage Board.
So I decided to make such a mortgage board on the model of the Arctic icebreaker. Which was presented to my grandson, his wife, for his birthday. Somewhere in 2008, he was then in first grade. Model lay idle for a while. And then one day the grandson asked: "Grandfather, will you help me collect it?" Of course - I answered. “Just come on, we color her so that she looks like a real ship.” Collecting a gray model is not interesting. Zhenya agreed.
Work on the model began sometime in the fall of 2008. Zhenya did not immediately manage to master the painting. It turned out, but how messy. Repainted, but what will you do and little by little things have gone. I helped by telling and showing how to do it. We dealt with great details quickly. With breaks for rest, things moved forward. The model took the form of a real ship. We got to the "little things", our meetings became less frequent. The assembly of the model stalled. He tried to convince his grandson that the model should be completed, it was worthless to quit the work unfinished. He agreed, but apparently the interest was gone. Although, I noticed that he has some interest in everything marine.
So that the model would not gather dust, I packed it in a plastic bag. Thus, the model was saved.
She stood in the closet, in the bag until the spring of 2015. Once again, puzzling with her grandmother what to give her grandson for a birthday. I suggested, before assembling the model that he had once assembled. To make a glass showcase, a support from chipboard framed by moldings.
A little later, the idea came to put the model in its native element - the Arctic ice.
My grandmother and I liked the idea.
This material was placed in the hold of the model and covered with a deck with superstructures. Like a mortgage board, so to speak for posterity.
So the model looked at the time of conservation.
And I got down to business. What happened, you can judge for yourself
Creating a water surface.
Well, firstly, everything was measured and a showcase for the model was ordered.Further, the sawn bottom is just below the waterline.
Secondly - plastic is selected to create ice. Work began on the creation of the water element, or rather ice.
Then, when I decided on the composition of the product, it became necessary to embed the model into the ice shell of the Arctic.
At the same time, the issue of the wake trail from the passage of the icebreaker was resolved.
And also cracking ice with the ship’s bow.
It turned out like this.
I will dwell in more detail on the water surface itself. In the photo above. When forming the ice space and the wake of the ship, I already began to form the water surface, as if in black. Then it (the water surface) was painted with acrylics to give the cut plastic the color of water. Then, as it dried, the water surface was covered with a transparent “Sanitary Sealant” to give a more specific image to the waves. After setting the sealant, where necessary, a correction of the color of water was made and a foamy trace was created with white acrylic. You couldn’t do it at one time, there were three or four attempts. True, where it was necessary to raise the wave, a layer of sealant was additionally applied. As a result, the created water surface was painted with glossy acrylic varnish. In the wormwoods, the color of the water changed somewhat.
Already at the end of the work, it occurred to me to create a polar bear, then he was dubbed Umka. True, he did not fit into the scale somewhat. It turned out a little more, but made a huge delight. Therefore, he did not remodel.
He placed the entire structure on a base made under a silicate glass display case.
The result is such a model.
Improvements on the model.
1. A unique showcase was invented and built to accommodate the model.
It allows you to see the atomic ship in the natural conditions of the Arctic and its daily work.
2. Installed portholes from a set of photo etching ..
3. Highlighted the tops of the masts.
4. Highlighted running lights on the sides.
5. Added antenna extensions
6. Added flag of the Soviet Union.
7. A simulation of the water surface and ice.
8. Added the figure "Umki" (sorry not to scale).
The model was returned to its owner in May 2015.