I recalled the army service, when there were free minutes, the so-called "personal time." At such moments you do not know what to do with yourself.
To sleep, yes it’s impossible, the sergeant’s keen eye is always on duty. Well, you write a short letter home, and then what to do? I don’t feel like reading, my head is already tired of the loads. Sometimes such poems are composed.
But we found something to do.
The main thing - it was necessary to beg from the guys who serviced the aircraft and were engaged in minor repairs, pieces of plexiglass from the broken lights of the airplane cockpit.
Now, I’ve climbed on the Internet, ordered materials, bought it, found drawings and work, and at that time everything was done by eye and nothing, it turned out to be excellent models. In our aviation regiment there were Mig-17 and Yak-25 aircraft, so we began to make models of these aircraft from plexiglass.
And I wanted to make such a model in the army years. In search of Plexiglas, he avoided the whole village, but found it. True thin, only 15 mm thick.
I involuntarily recalled pieces from the windshield from the MiG glass; from it it was possible to make models large enough.
I estimated the dimensions, marked the details on the plexiglass and sawed them out with a jigsaw. Further processing of parts was carried out with a file and sandpaper.

Working with plexiglass is very time consuming. Especially when grinding and polishing of individual elements of the model begins.

I must say that in his youth he worked faster, but then age affected. Either eyes do not see anything, then hands do not obey.
The details are small, you have to adjust it very carefully so that no gaps come out.
In order for plexiglass models to look beautiful, the forms of the model are slightly distorted, exaggerated, because the transparency of plexiglass somewhat affects the perception of the model as a whole.

Famous MiG forms appeared.
You can also glue the details. Plexiglass can only be glued with this solvent, dichloroethane.
I want to warn in advance those who, perhaps, want to do this or that model, what Dichloroethane VERY POISONOUS LIQUIDwith poisonous fumes!
You can work only under the hood or on the street, it is advisable to wear a respirator or gauze bandage.

Here is the finished model.

The backlight from the glass pyramid has been preserved.
I put a stand with an airplane on it. On the creation of this model, a topic was opened. Miraculously, several photographs were preserved. Sorry for the quality. For a long time I was looking for a model in the attic, where there are many interesting things. But I did not find it, but it's a pity. I wanted to show and talk in more detail about the work on individual elements of the model.
This is how color highlighting works.
In conclusion, I want to tell a funny story. Parsing his archive with photos, I came across photos of seven years ago, when my granddaughter was not yet passionate about aircraft models.

She found herself a very interesting occupation.
She took my paintings, which I wrote, cut out drawings of airplanes from magazines and booklets attached to collectible aircraft models, and attached them to the canvas.
That's what she did.
That's all I wanted to tell you about. Hope you were interested.
Goodbye, your Valerian.