[media = http: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = J1v0r_yJgtc]
Want to know what else you can do from plastic bottles?
Then watch this video. Here are the latest ideas for using plastic bottles. Just think, the feed of this boat is made of plastic bottles. And also ...

Craft No. 1 - a beach bag.

Craft number 2 - a capacious box for linen.

Craft number 3 - bag - tablet.

Craft number 4 - cover for books.

Craft number 5 - a seat on a fishing stool.

Craft number 6 - decorative bouquets of flowers.

Craft number 7 - sun blind.

Craft number 8 - illumination for the garden.

Craft number 9 - a filter for water.
And many, many, many more. Watch the video!