The twisted pair cable is laid to the surveillance camera. After replacing the camera with an analog image, it began to double.
We are looking for a way to deal with the so-called reflection.

I got here such a scheme (balun) matching device. The dots in the diagram indicate the beginning of the winding.
We will conduct tests.
It will take a couple of meters of twisted pair. Two connectors for video input. Thermogun and soldering iron.
Two rings from an unnecessary computer motherboard. A few details.
We take the rings from the old motherboard. We twist a twisted pair three times.
We make a transformer. We wind 20 turns.
We make two transformers.
Putting the circuit together.
We isolate soldered places by a thermoshrinkable tube.
We seal the whole circuit with hot glue.
We connect ready-made devices. One balloon to the camera, the other to the DVR.
The effect is achieved.
The tests were successful.
It can be applied in practice.
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