Who does not dream of having their own pond in their country house? After all, not everyone was lucky to have a summer house on the shore of a reservoir. But there are no hopeless situations. And by watching this video, you will learn how to create artificial ponds for summer cottages.

Such a pond can be done even by oneself, without the use of heavy equipment (excavators, dump trucks).

First you need to dig a pit. The depth of the pit should be approximately 1-1.5 m. The shores must be made with a ledge. So it will be much more convenient to decorate the coast with stone and various plants.
After our ditch is dug, you need to lay a layer of a dense film. She will hold water in the pond.

The film on the banks must be strengthened with a stainless steel wire mesh.

We spread stones along the banks.

After filling the pond with water, you can plant algae along the banks and even run river or ornamental fish.
Enjoy your holiday on the shore of your own pond!