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Tug of War game on Arduino

Good day, dear reader of my article, today in this article I would like to tell you how to assemble the game "tug of war" on arduino

1. Arduino Uno
2.2 condensers for 0.1 microfarads
3.14 resistors of 220 ohms
4. LED scale or 10 LEDs at 3 volts
5. Breadboard
6. 2 clock buttons
7. piezo tweeter
8. Schmitt inverting trigger
9. jumper wires

So first, let's program the arduino

Here is a sketch:

#define BUZZER_PIN 0
#define FIRST_BAR_PIN 4
#define BAR_COUNT 10
#define MAX_SCORE 20
// global variables used in interrupts (see below)
// must be marked as unstable (volatile)
volatile int score = 0;
void setup ()
  for (int i = 0; i & lt; BAR_COUNT; ++ i)
    pinMode (i + FIRST_BAR_PIN, OUTPUT);
  // Interruption (English interrupt) suspends the main
  // program, performs the specified function, and then resumes
  // main program. We need an interrupt at the click of a button,
  // i.e. when changing the signal from high to low, i.e. on the
  // downward (falling) front
  attachInterrupt (INT1, pushP1, FALLING); // INT1 is the 3rd pin
  attachInterrupt (INT0, pushP2, FALLING); // INT0 is the 2nd pin
void pushP1 () {++ score; } // 1st player interrupt function
void pushP2 () {--score; } // 2nd player interrupt function
void loop ()
  tone (BUZZER_PIN, 2000, 1000); // give a signal to start.
  // while none of the players won, we update the “rope”
  while (abs (score) & lt; MAX_SCORE) {
    int bound = map (score, -MAX_SCORE, MAX_SCORE, 0, BAR_COUNT);
    int left = min (bound, BAR_COUNT / 2 - 1);
    int right = max (bound, BAR_COUNT / 2);
    for (int i = 0; i & lt; BAR_COUNT; ++ i)
      digitalWrite (i + FIRST_BAR_PIN, i & gt; = left && i & lt; = right);
  tone (BUZZER_PIN, 4000, 1000); // give a signal of victory
  while (true) {} // "suspend" the board until reboot

Next, we collect everything according to this scheme:

Tug of War game on Arduino

you should get something like this:

after the "rope" has moved to side 1 of the players the game ends, you can restart it by pressing the button on the arduino itself

I hope you enjoyed this project and with you the DeNiS Geek pro100 ball, that's all for now!
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