Beekeeping is a fascinating and demanding mass of knowledge and skills. You need to know and prevent the disease of bees, properly prepare for wintering, make layering on time, etc. An experienced beekeeper should also know how to prevent or take control of the swarming process. Uncontrolled swarming leads to the division of the bee family and some of the bees fly away. This leads to a weakening of the family and, accordingly, to lower productivity, or even the death of a weakened family in the winter.
But, in the departure of the swarm there are also positive aspects. For example, you can catch a swarm of a neighbor-))) When the swarm flies out, the uterus and part of the bees fly away with it. A swarm flies, or sits on a branch, and scout bees begin to fly around in search of suitable housing. It can be a hollow, an inverted bucket, a niche in the wall, etc. You can make suitable housing on your own. Then, if the bees choose a trap, it will be possible to transfer them to the hive.
Tools and materials:
-Black plastic garbage container;
- Chopped in half lump;
-Ear sticks;
-Wine cork;
-Essential oil with lemon grass;
- Old honeycombs or pieces of rotten dry wood;

Step One: Holes
In the container you need to make a series of holes. From the bottom 7 centimeters makes three holes in a row. It will be a letok, entrance to the trap.
From below it drills a pair of holes for the drainage of water, which may fall after rain.
In the middle of either side, a hole is drilled along the diameter of the plug. An extract will be applied to the cork.
At the top of the container, it drills three holes, two in the back at the corners, one in the front in the center.
Under the taphole, screw the chock.

Step Two: The Roof
From plywood cuts the lid. For a cover it is better to take moisture resistant plywood or any suitable material. Drills holes in the lid by matching them with the top holes in the box.

Step Three: Installing the Cover
Installs the lid on the drawer. He pulls the rope into the holes in the back and ties it up. Front secures with a screed.

Step Four: Bait
As a bait, the author uses essential oil with lemon grass. This smell attracts bees. The bait looks simple. A few drops of oil are applied to one end of a cotton swab. The second end stick sticks into the cork. A tube is put on a wand. Then the plug is installed in the hole in the container.

It is also necessary to apply oil on a swab and wipe it with a swab near the notch and in the corners of the box. Then place the swab in a plastic bag, make a hole in it and place the bag in a container. The bait needs to be updated every two weeks.
On the inside of the box near the taphole, you need to fix the old bee honeycombs or pieces of rotten wood.
Step Five: Set a Trap
It is best to fix the trap with a summer to the south at a height of 2-3 meters.

That's all, good luck with catching a bee swarm.

From myself I can add that the swarm can not only be trapped, but also "planted", and then removed. I really didn’t plant a swarm myself. but it was necessary to remove from the branch 5 times. The procedure is not complicated. We spread a blanket under the branch. We swarm the swarm that has sat on the branch with water and carefully, without abrupt movements, shake it into a container, for example, a bucket. Our task is to shake off the uterus, and it is in the center of the swarm, with most of the bees. Then we will stop the bees in evidence with honeycombs.