Hi the inhabitants of our site! So in this article we will look at how to make a machine on bluetooth control. The role of the remote control will be a smartphone.
I also attach links to some components
For this homemade product we need:
1. Motor gearbox 4 pcs. link
2. Wooden board (platform)
3. Holder for 18650 batteries link
4. Batteries 18650 link
5. Wires for connecting modules link
6. Arduino uno link
7. Driver for motors link
8. Bluetoth module link
9. Wheels for motors 4 pcs. link
Of the tools we will also need:
1. Drill
2. Screwdriver
3. Soldering iron
4. Pencil
Well then, let's proceed to the assembly. Before that, pay attention to the arduino board. The arduino uno board will be used in this article, but you can use other, more compact versions. The main thing is to follow the wiring diagram!
Also, 18650 batteries can be replaced with ordinary batteries.
The first step is to use glue to fix the motors on our platform.
Next, solder the wires to our motors.
We drill holes in the platform and with the help of bolts and nuts we fasten the Arduino board and the driver for the engines
We glue the Bluetooth module and connect everything with wires.
Solder the wires to the battery slot and put the wheels on the motor shaft
Done! We connect arduino to the computer and through the program we load the code. Download the application on your smartphone and drive!
Here is a video from the author with a detailed assembly: