I welcome lovers to relax in nature, I propose to consider a small camp stove. Such homemade It will be useful for those who go to relax by car, homemade takes up little space and weighs relatively little. With this homemade product, you can easily fry fish, fried eggs, meat, sausage or another catch, depending on your talents. In such a furnace, you can warm up in the cool season, the iron body emits a lot of heat. The dimensions of the furnace also make it easy to install it in a tent, and if you think about the air supply system, such a furnace can burn for a long time and give out the necessary heat. The main for the furnace is a small gas cylinder, all other parts are easy to get. If you are interested in the project, I propose to study it in more detail!
Materials and tools used by the author:
Material List:
- a cylinder from under freon, helium, and so on;
- a piece of a round or profile pipe for legs;
- sheet metal;
- glass for the door (optional);
- grate for grate;
- bolt and nuts (as door hinges);
- round timber;
- heat resistant paint.
Tool List:
- with different drives;
- plasma cutter;
- ;
- drill;
- roulette;
- marker;
- hammer;
- a vise.
Homemade manufacturing process:
Step one. Case preparation
As a body, we will use a small gas cylinder. Be careful when working with the cylinder, flammable gas vapors may remain in it; when cutting the cylinder with such vapors, it will explode. To protect ourselves from the explosion, we turn off the tap, pour out the contents, and fill the balloon with hot water and drain the water. We carry out such a procedure several times. Some masters also cut directly with water in the cylinder, but here you need to have experience so as not to wet the grinder and not get an electric shock.
We need to cut the neck from the cylinder, here we will then weld the hob. The body of the cylinder is completely cleaned, it is necessary to completely remove the paint, since it will burn and smoke when the furnace is heated.To make it easier to clean the paint, the can can be burned in a fire.
Step Two Hob
We cut out the hob, for such purposes we will need thick iron, since the combustion temperature will be high and thin iron will quickly burn out. It is best to use a stainless steel, such steel is resistant to burning, oxidation and the coating will be easy to wash. Since our plate thickness is quite large, the author cuts the workpiece with a plasma cutter.
Step Three Firebox
Next, we need to equip the furnace, here we need sheet metal. We weld the desired construction from metal, and cut out the window of the required size in the furnace body. We weld the furnace to the furnace, we make tight seams.

Step Four Legs
We make legs for the furnace, the author adapted pieces of a round pipe for such purposes, we weld the legs to the base of the furnace. And so that the legs are not pressed into the ground, we weld to them supports made of sheet iron.
Step Five Smoke pipe
To the furnace you need to weld a chimney, to which we will connect the chimney. As for the chimney, it can be bought at a hardware store, these are galvanized iron pipes designed for arranging ventilation systems and so on. We make a pipe of such a diameter that it fits tightly into the chimney. To obtain the desired diameter, the author welds a sheet of iron. We just make cuts on a piece of iron and bend metal on these cuts. Then we weld the pipe of the desired design and weld to the furnace.
Step Six Grate
We make grate for the furnace, but their purpose remains not entirely clear, because air does not enter from below. It also remains unclear how the author plans to clean the ash; you probably have to scoop it up with a spatula or poker. We cut off the desired piece of the grill and come up with stops for the grate bars so that they can be easily removed. Thanks to the grate, the firewood will be opposite the furnace door, through which air will flow.
Seventh step. Door
We weld the door for the furnace, its feature is that glass is installed in the door. This makes the stove unique and convenient, in addition, you can monitor how the fire burns. Glass cannot be fixed rigidly, as it will crack when heated. Around the glass we weld a frame that will hold it. As a sealant, you can lay asbestos cord around the glass.
We hang the door on a bolt with nuts, this is a reliable and proven method. And so that the thread does not rust, it can be treated with graphite grease.
Step Eight. Finishing touches
We weld handles for carrying it to the stove, we make handles from round timber. Also do not forget to attach the handle to the door. We also take a drill and drill holes for supplying air to the furnace.
After that, we clean the furnace well, align the welds. Well, then we proceed to painting, we need heat-resistant paint, any other will burn. We color the furnace and proceed to the tests. The author easily cooks vermicelli in the oven and also fries scrambled eggs. Theoretically, the hob can be heated red hot, putting the right amount of dry wood. On this project can be considered successfully completed, I hope you liked the homemade work, and you found useful thoughts for yourself. Good luck and creative inspiration, if you decide to repeat this. Do not forget to share your ideas and homemade things with us!