Some time ago, I was a big fan of hookah. He experimented with tastes in order to please friends who love him even more than I do. Somehow I had the idea to make a hookah unique in appearance that has no analogues and is beautiful
In fact, the goal was to score small cups, experiment with new tastes. In terms of a successful hookah, the experiment failed, but the points are unique and beautiful - more than. Therefore, this should not be considered homemade as a serious device, but can be considered as a very good gift, for example, to a person who is a fan of a particular drink. All the charm also lies in the fact that any person can carry out such a modification, since practically no tool is required. In general, you will need:

In fact, the goal was to score small cups, experiment with new tastes. In terms of a successful hookah, the experiment failed, but the points are unique and beautiful - more than. Therefore, this should not be considered homemade as a serious device, but can be considered as a very good gift, for example, to a person who is a fan of a particular drink. All the charm also lies in the fact that any person can carry out such a modification, since practically no tool is required. In general, you will need:
- Cheap chinese hookah
- Bottle, whatever you like
- Nut from Soviet potentiometer
- Sealant for aquariums
From the tool:
- Diamond screwdriver
- File
- Hacksaw for metal (in case you have to shorten the shaft)
Someone will say that making a hookah from a hookah is, at least, stupid. And he will be right. As I wrote, the point here is individuality. Chinese hookahs cost no more than drinks, using a bottle from which you can make such a gift.
As a flask, I chose a bottle from one of my favorite drinks.
Personally, I have neither the necessary tools, nor the experience in processing glass, so I took it to the local glass workshop where, for a nominal fee, I drilled the necessary holes for a couple of minutes.
There are two such holes, for the tube and for the check valve. Although historically, Egyptian hookahs, for example, did not have a check valve. Well, all right, in general, from a Chinese hookah, only a few details will be required, namely the shaft, the conical sleeve with which it is mounted and on which the bowl fits, and the hose connector along with the hose itself. Optional check valve. From Chinese hookahs, all this is removed elementarily, everything is untwisted there.Actually, it’s not necessary to buy it, a hookah with a broken flask can serve as a donor, for example, if not, you can ask friends, it’s very likely someone has already been waiting for a new flask for five years, which, as a rule, doesn’t end up

A hole is made in the lid of the bottle, you need to do it carefully, using a file, the metal is thin and it takes about 5 minutes. A shaft is mounted in this hole. On top of the shaft, fasten with a native mount, inside the cover with a special nut.
Such a nut, of the right diameter and with the right pitch, can be found on Soviet variable resistors.
The length of the mine, by the way, needs to be adjusted. I will not go into the theory of what volume of liquid should be in the flask and what free volume should remain, I’ll just say that for a half liter bottle it will be optimal 50/50. At the same time, the shaft should be immersed in liquid 25-30 mm. So we pour 250 ml of water into the bottle, collect and look. If necessary, shorten / extend the shaft.
While still in the glass workshop, I described the situation in general and asked what glue can be used for gluing. Cyanocrylate and EAF immediately threw back (cyanocrylate primarily due to toxicity). In the end, I was sent to a peasant who is engaged in the manufacture of aquariums. He advised me a special sealant, which actually these aquariums are glued to. It is white and black, I took black based on the dark color of the glass and the details of the hookah. In general, this sealant and glue the hose connector and check valve. This may seem unreliable, but no. Upon hardening, the sealant turns into a kind of dense rubber and holds tight enough, but it has elasticity, which is important when glued with glass.
Especially for this hookah I bought just such a bowl combined with a screen.
But, but. Firstly, they sent me a cup of the wrong color, blue instead of dark green, but even if you did not pay attention to the aesthetic side, the cup turned out to be so-so, so I eventually put a small complete cup from an Egyptian hookah, and later from that same Chinese.
As a result, we get such an apparatus. I hope the idea will be useful to someone.
Good luck to everyone in your work!