Spring has come, the country-garden season begins. In addition to you, various pests of gardening woke up with you.
In this article, YouTube author "bored1980" will tell you about a simple way to deal with moles, groundhogs, and other rodents.
Last summer, the author laid a new lawn and a small garden, and suddenly discovered that moles liked this garden no less.
- A speaker, or an old small speaker.
- Plastic container
- Wires, amplifier, player
- Flux, solder
- Silicone sealant, or hot melt adhesive.
Instruments, used by the author.
- .
Manufacturing process.
At first, he tried to fight the moles, filling their homes with water. But this had no effect on them.
That's what these pranksters got up the very next day!
The next attempt was calcium carbide.
The author cleaned a small layer of soil to get to the hole of the wormhole, and threw several small pieces of carbide there, and then added water.
As a result of the reaction with water, acetylene began to be released.
He then used a garden vacuum cleaner to clean the ditches of fallen leaves in order to blow the gas deeper into the hole.
But even this trick did not give a result - the next day the moles were here again.
Then the author decided to use the product in a stronger way - asbestos paper, on which sulfur was sprayed. This is a very toxic substance. If it begins to burn, it immediately burns the nasopharynx.
The author again used a portable vacuum cleaner, and the result was fantastic: from all the holes and cracks in the ground pungent smoke poured out, and the moles disappeared ... for one day. A day later they returned again!
Another idea that the author visited was mole traps. He inserted several of these into the tunnels made by the animals, and lightly dug them. Not a single mole was caught! The author spent almost a month on a futile struggle with the "living" element!
This time he got such a device. It runs on batteries and produces vibrations that repel moles.Every 20 seconds, it makes a certain sound thanks to the built-in engine with an eccentric. It was the last hope, and it also failed, like all the previous ones! The author was on the verge of a psychopathic attack.
In desperation, he resorts to the last and most insane means - he takes out a loudspeaker, solders a 12-meter cable to it.
Then he puts the speaker in a small plastic box, after wrapping the device with an old T-shirt in order to dampen the vibrations.
The author is left to seal the box with silicone, and psychological weapons done!
He deliberately chooses the most disgusting and squeaky music from his point of view - My Heart Will Go on performed by Celine Dion!

Then he digs the box deep into the soil in the garden, in the place where the maximum activity of moles is observed, and connects the cable to the amplifier. In this case, the author digs his weapons of mass destruction really deep, so that at night he would not hear Celine Dion himself.
And so for four days, without a break! all living things in the earth listened to the hit My Heart Will Go on.
And, lo and behold, after four days all the mole’s activity completely ceased! Can you imagine how effective this method is! Neither poison, nor traps, nor devices, but only the unique Celine Dion. Of course, for moles in the territory of the former USSR, I would try hard Russian rock, or pop music.
Instead of the speaker, it is quite possible to use the old column of small sizes. But acetylene in the hole I I strongly advise against burning! You "dig up" the whole garden, and defeat the moles along with the buildings!
Other guys had such attempts, though with gas. At first everything seemed to work out. But smoldering began.

But already at night it became clear that because of the dry earth, the root system of the trees, and the contents of the holes caught fire.

Thanks to the author for a simple but useful solution for the garden!
All good mood, good luck, and interesting ideas!