Polymorphus or polycaprolactone is a polymer with a low melting point (about 65 ° C) and is an excellent material for the manufacture of all kinds of models, shapes, parts, cases, etc. The main advantage of this polymer is its ease of use: just place the balls in boiling water, wait for their transparency, form the required element and let cool (additional firing, baking, etc. are not required). The finished product is very elastic and durable, does not break and does not crumble during cutting, drilling, and other processing. In addition, the resulting product can be easily painted with acrylic paints. It should also be noted that the curing rate of the material is controlled by air temperature (the lower the faster, and vice versa). After solidification, the material shrinks. Another important factor is that this material is non-toxic and reusable, which makes it completely waste-free.
When working with plastic, you should be aware of safety precautions: remove material from hot water carefully so as not to burn yourself; plastic itself does not burn your hands in a heated state due to its low thermal conductivity. We also note that overheated material can cause burns, and when heated above 200 ° C it completely loses all its properties.
This material will be an excellent acquisition due to the rich variability of its application, limited only by your needs and imagination, as well as a fairly affordable price. At the seller, this product is represented by a packing of 50 and 100 g.
Cost: ~ 200