Homemade for the budget conscious - DIY sofa and cardboard furniture!
Good afternoon. In this article I will talk about how you can make a sofa out of old cardboard boxes with your own hands. More precisely, these will be two chairs that can be composed together. The master class is quite detailed, but if you suddenly have any questions, then ask - I will definitely answer. In addition, everyone real knows that in the manufacture crafts, he can bring something new to the workflow that can be shared with other masters.

In order to start work you will need several (about a dozen) large katon boxes, felt-tip pens (markers), a sharp construction knife and a whole can of PVA glue. I will say in advance that all work with the knife should be carried out as carefully as possible so as not to cut yourself. From cardboard boxes you need to cut 20 blanks of the same shape. Their sizes should correspond to the sizes of the desired sofa (in the profile, of course). The entire amount is written per sofa.

You also need to cut 100 strips (5 per each workpiece) - they will be required in order to give additional rigidity to the structure. On the perimeter of each workpiece you need to glue the strip. I advise you, before proceeding with further assembly, to allow the elements of the future sofa to dry well - do not rush, because "the rush is only needed when catching fleas."

Assembling the structure for the base of the sofa is very simple - just stick together all the blanks so that there are cardboard strips between them (everything looks pretty clear in the photo).

Now you need to sew upholstery from a beautiful and pleasant to the touch material that will fit in size on both of our sofas.Sewing in this article will not work for you to train, and you won’t be able to give a specific pattern either - the sizes of all the blanks will each have their own. You just need to say that you will need to accurately remove all sizes from the sofa so that the skin fits tightly around the structure and the foam. And do not forget to attach pens so that you can carry homemade furniture. After all, its weight easily allows you to carry it from place to place even to a child.

You already understood that this way you can make any furniture. You can start, for example, with an ordinary ottoman - a square blank is very easy to do, and it’s much easier to sew a sheathing on such a homemade product.